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"Bounce" Review 31 January 2003
Yes, "Bounce" is a Bon Jovi album

A Bon Jovi album far from the past

A review by Marios /

When a band is succesful, rich and recognized the only thing that separates it from greateness is consistency and continuation. After making the hits that "heat" you up, after touring every corner of our small planet, after the stadiums become smaller and music cheaper, the only thing that survives is quality. Quality that comes through reading music, adapting to the new age technology and not neccesarilly to the new "taste" and perception of good mysic. In other words "maturity". Bon Jovi have made it. After years of dispute over their quality by many, they made it. An album that makes Aerosmith obsolete, makes Rolling Stones look like exactly that, pointing out to U2 how quality music is made without the costumes, makes AC/DC have a beer hearing the album and enjoying it. Bon Jovi will never be like Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple. But now they are truly in the next best group of rock'n'roll bands alongside Metallica and Whitesnake. The album will not sell like others probably. So what? As far as the last disputers ate their tongues or even if some of them still have something to say in moments of paranoia, this album is Bon Jovi's best. Rock and roll lives and as Jon said: "Here is a men's band".

Rating: 9/10

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