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Old 08-22-2016, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Bleeding Purist View Post
I've come to realize I'm not much of a fan of cover bands that dress up and mime as the band. It's much more enjoyable for a band of musicians to come together and just put their heart into performing the material. One of the best Def Leppard cover bands I ever saw featured a singer that did not look like Joe, but could scream the shit out of the songs in a way that Joe never could. Most cover bands will have a singer that simply mimics the original singer, which tends to underwhelm me. Own the song and deliver it with conviction.

Definitely do not f**kin do Prayer and shove a mic at the audience. Do what Bon Jovi won't, which is perform that song as if it were brand new and needs to be proved.
That's what Bounce do and that's why I like their shows a lot and don't feel they're just pretending to be Bon Jovi. They give it their own spin and just try to capture the spirit of the song which (well, mostly) works.
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