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Old 01-28-2004, 10:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Cowgirl77
Jon is mentioned in "Love Actually" as well

And on an episode of "The Munsters Today" Eddie interviews Jon. You never actually see Jon, and it's def. not his voice you hear....
What's THE MUNSTERS TODAY and who is Eddie?

However, I know 3 BJ mentions in AL Bundy.
The first one was when Bud went out to pick up some chicks and he siad he is doing a rock video and his name is Bud...Bud Bon Jovi.

the second time is when Al decided to be "cool" and wanted to go out with Bud .And Bud said something lkike You don't look like Bon Jovi.

And the 3d one, i even have a mini clip of it , is when Kelly becoms some car girl and she says:
"Today the Allante girl...tomorrow,slut in a Bon Jovi video!"
"Reaching for the stars Kel!?"

and there were several other BJ mentions in other shows,even Friends, but i have never seen anybody wearig a BJ shirt.

By the way, the girl in Full House has a BJ poster on her wall.It's actually a big MNew Jersey cover.Just be attentive when you watch it again.
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