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Old 05-30-2015, 01:19 PM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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Good Interview! Hugh is a little clueless with some questions.

- He recorded with Jon just last week (At the old Power Station now call Avatar). It's a band album. He mentioned that him, Tico, and Dave were in the studio doing demos. Some songs are really great! No word on who is playing guitar. She asked a question about Phil unrelated and he said that was just here for.... and then the interviewer cut him off to say that it was his birthday. So annoying! Hugh never got to answer the question why he was in town.

- He played on every album from Slippery on... Also played on the song Runaway. (He wasn't clear if he played on the entire first album - At first it sounded like he did but then he followed to say that he played on every album from Slippery on)

- He still considers himself an official member although he knows he is just a hired hand.

- After the last tour Jon wanted off for 4 years (which was shortened)

- Funny Moment - Hugh forgot the name of the "Country Record" they did so he had to look it up on the internet.

- The interviewer said she wants another These Days and hated WAN. Hugh basically laughed and said it's not his call. It's all Jon.

- Who Writes the Bass lines - sometimes Hugh, sometimes collective effort with the other band members, sometimes the producer

- She asked for Cadillac Man - He had no clue

- He knew Obie since he was 6 years old.
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