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Old 08-07-2015, 06:38 PM
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The Distance
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You and I Both!!!!

I know I get nostalgic at times but this was one of the greatest moments in my life and far as the times went.

The world was different and the entire music scene was just so fitting. I was 16 years old and had friends that were just starting to drive. It was that perfect youthful age!!!

I'll never forget the first time I heard Blaze. There was no warning. I just turned on the radio one day and there it was. Every band sounded similar to Bon Jovi at that time so it took me a while to solidify that it was in fact them (or what I thought was them, after realizing that it was him).

I remember listening to the radio non-stop to capture the next recording of it. Either the actual single wasn't released yet or I couldn't get to the music store (the Wiz) but I listened to that recording, from the radio, 24/7. I even made copies for my friends with the DJ talking over the beginning and the end. There was radio static throughout the entire recording and the quality was tainted from using cheap cassette tapes but back then, we didn't know any other way!!!

When I finally got the tape of the entire soundtrack, I listened to it for 18 hours straight. We took a family vacation from Jersey to Florida and it was an 18 hour car ride. I had that thing going on my 'walkman' and over the car stereo, to and from, the entire trip. My mother still loves Bang A Drum and if I play it, it reminds her of that family vacation. My sister had her New Kids On The Block tape and I wouldn't let her play it.

It was the soundtrack to that summer and both videos were even bigger! When MTV actually played videos and you couldn't walk into a house without it being on!!! We would literally sit there for hours watching videos. Watch videos, talk, laugh, eat, and spend quality time together. Now everyone is glued to their phones and the illusions that go along with it. Anyway!!! That's how I remember Blaze.

When you are 16 years old, 2 months could feel like 2 years. Although Richie's album came out shortly after, Blaze had a major impact on my life and it's still my go to album. I still think that 1990 was Jon's musical prime.
World’s Most Professional Bon Jovi Fan!!!
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