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Old 12-20-2016, 10:13 PM
BonJovi100 BonJovi100 is offline
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Keep the Faith
Join Date: 01 Jul 2006
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I tjhink that he made 3 albums which sound good in their own style:

2 albums are too bit of different production and doesn't sound like a album. They sound like some different songs with differend production put in one cd.

With Shanks they relased some of my favourite BJ songs like Dirty Little Secret, Any Other Day, Nothing, Thick AT, BATommorow ecc so no. He not killed them.

These albums would sound better with other producer? Some songs probably yes and some different. But you know...I don't like some songs on KTF like Blame or Sleep and any different producer than Bob Rock would do something that it would make that I will love them. This is the same situaction with Shanks. I don't have any wrong word on his work on HAND, LH and THINFSale... someone could probably make it better but maybe not. Who knows?