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Old 03-15-2015, 11:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
We are all waiting for this sudden shock of an old school Bon Jovi album to be released but it's never going to happen.

The Jon we all grew up with and the reason why we are still here is long gone from A to Z.

From his personality to the way he moves on stage. Growing up, I never thought Jon would change the way that he did.

That laid back, passionate, confident, artist is gone. He seems so lost up on that stage. His movements seem weird to me now. It's not only that his voice is gone but his singing is so fake and that high voice doesn't even sound natural. He's not saying words right and it's just all wrong. Listen to American Girl from the other night. What the F is that? He's not writing and producing songs like used to. His lack of voice is throwing everything off.

Finally, this political Jon is the worst. I think it's amazing what he does for charities. I really do. He's been doing it since '87 for the Special Olympics but I feel now, it's a back-door network for politics. It's Christie dumping Ice on his head. Cory Booker was at the SK a few weeks ago. That's not the same Jon I remember from Access All Areas. It's killing him as a Rock Star.

If Jon goes to 65, that's 13 more years. If you look the last 13 years, we got 6 studio albums, a box set, a GH album, and a TLFR. Not to mention a few DVDs.

Just expect a lot of crap in the future.
I do not usually agree with most of the things you say but this is bang on.
The other thing is how JBJ claims that The Stones are the bar. The difference between BJ and The Stones is that The Stones have stayed true to who they are in all aspects. Jon has not as you so brilliantly put it in your post.

To add to what you said, he panders to the female audience so much these days that it has become nauseating and so not 'rock'....more like something you'd see Justin Bieber do. He's always pandered but it's different from the way he used to do it. It is too calculated now and there's an arrogance to it and this is coming from someone who used to be a Jon girl. It became a turn off.

It seems obvious to me that he knows he's losing it, musically, so he has to depend on keeping those rabid female fans and their money by doing the very thing he claimed to rail against back in the day....using his looks and $Runaway Tours$ to keep them coming.

I remember someone a few years ago talking about him wanting to buy an NFL team in the near future and I didn't believe them at first but as we know now they were right. I believe now that if he had gotten the Bills deal, the band would have ceased operations anyway and I think Richie knew it too.
I think he's only going to keep up with the band shit until he reaches that goal.

Sadly, it's all about the $$$ now.
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