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Old 01-14-2017, 11:59 AM
jazzsta jazzsta is offline
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Some days earlier I was thinking about creating a thread like this.

I mean, by now we ve all heard the hits so many times that they really are unlistenable in a regular day (at least we wouldnt choose to hear them again, unless some strange live version comes up).

So somehow we could make a list of the boards favourite BJ-non-standards, to which I would include album tracks as well (that is quite a deviation from the subject here yes, sorry), just not whatever has been a single, or is in GH, CR compilations.

But contribute to the point of this thread, I would say much of the box, and everything that is a 90s demo is pretty awesome. Wedding Day for sure, but really anything that is mostly played live in the studio is very cool. Such a great band, even the first Such-less years. Also JBJ's demos for DA kick ass in general. Oh but Drive is actually a band demo, right? Drive is f@kin A !!
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