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Old 05-30-2004, 09:04 PM
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José Antonio José Antonio is offline
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Default Hugh McDonald and Alec John Such

Hi everyone!

I was checking out and corfirmed something that a friend of
mine told me: Hugh McDonald has played in all of the Bon Jovi albums (Except
in "7800° Fahrenheit").Unfortunate his work wasn't recognized until 1995
in "These Days", in the previous albums he didn't appear on the credits,
just in the "Thanks" section, Why? I don't know, but I think it was unfair,
'cause, yes he was payed for, but in this life the money ain't everything,
he should be recognized as a player in those albums as another ones
were in "Bon Jovi" and "New Jersey" for example.Obviously when he played
in the studio recording Alec John Such didn't, so I'd say the "bass work"
in those albums was made 50% by Alec John Such and 50% by Hugh McDonald.
Yes, it's true that in all of the concerts and shows since 1984 to 1995
Alec John Such was the only one who played the bass,but in studio he wasn't.
In addition Huey wrote some bass lines and arranges, and (as I know) Alec
never wrote an arrange or bass lines.What am I trying to say? Simple, Huey
McDonald must be recognized as an official member.Maybe you're thinking:
Alec John Such were with the band 10 long years, but Huey has played with BJ
13 LONG years and since 1995 he is in the shows, Huey HAS DONE MORE
for BJ than what Alec John Such did. JBJ said once Huey is MUCH BETTER than
Alec, and it's true; he said too: Alec John Such was a great friend, and a
friend can never be replaced, but we don't want Jon Bon Jovi to replace his
friendship with AJS, just to recognize HM as a member.It's true that Huey
plays with another bands, but I think when Huey become a Bon Jovi
Official Member he'll know he should not play anymore with those bands, just
with Bon Jovi.And if Jon wants to, not to take pictures of Huey alone, like
the pictures of Richie, David & Tico in "This Left Feels Right" for example,
I think it be... ok.But take pictures and photos with him (I mean that in
the cd covers should appear photos of Jon, Richie, David, Tico and Huey
together, but not of Huey alone if Jon doesn't want to).Personaly I think
Huey is better than Alec, so all this would be fair.I know that this depends
on Jon and not on Huey, but if we ALL let know Jon we want Huey to become an
offical member he will recognize him, I'm sure of that, after all to Jon we
are the most important after his family.I invite you to join that idea
by making big posters of "HUEY FOR MEMBER", "BON JOVI: JON BON JOVI,
that and take them to the BJ shows, other idea is to send an e-amil to asking Huey for member, signed for ALL of us.I know it sounds
impossible and hard to do but it is not, TOGETHER NOTHING'S IMPOSSIBLE.
Well, I hope you understood my message and join me.

Your friend José Antonio.

P.S. I'm sorry about my english, but it is not my first language and I'm
still learning.I'm from Mexico (Where the main language is the Spanish)

P.S. 2 If you couldn't understand what I tried to say and speak spanish,
send me an e-mail ( or a private message and I'll
explain it to you in spanish.

P.S. 3 Don't forget visit: and . THANKS
"If I don't believe in Jesus, how can I believe the Pope
If I don't believe in heroin, how can I believe the dope
If there's nothing but survival, how can I believe in sin
In a world that gives you nothing, I need something to believe in"
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