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Old 01-15-2017, 06:45 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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The reason there's nothing new is because it's not a new interview. The writer states, "Our meeting takes place on the eve of Trump’s surprise victory." That would have been November 6 at the latest, and I question even that... unless Jon figured out some way to overcome the laws of physics and managed to be on two different continents at the same time. On “the eve of Trump’s surprise victory” Jon was in Philadelphia, stumping to get last minute votes for Hillary. The day before that he was in Charlotte, and the day before that he was in Tampa, doing the same thing.

Bruce Springsteen is set to appear at the final rally supporting Hillary Clinton Monday night (Nov. 7) in Philadelphia. Springsteen will join fellow New Jerseyan and Clinton supporter Jon Bon Jovi at an election night eve event held at Independence Mall alongside President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, as well as former President Bill Clinton and daughter Chelsea.

Like the Kate Mossman article a while back, this one seems “off” to me, too. It has the same fanfic-ish commentary. Just guessing from the similar descriptions of the setting, I agree with Dave88. It seems to be from the same series of interviews that Jon did in London last October (apparently at the Savoy, according to this writer).

“We sit facing each other in daintily upholstered chairs, by a table with a bottle of artesian water shipped from Fiji. At 54, Bon Jovi has retained his famous good looks. Perfect teeth, strong jawline, fit physique, blue jeans, big watch, hair a buoyant ashy thatch. From time to time, in order to emphasise a point, he leans forward to tap me lightly on the knee, an endearing act of tactility. The man formerly known as John Bongiovi has Sicilian roots on his father’s side.”

I did notice a couple of things in the way these writers presented their take on the interviews. I love the way the writers (and Jon, if the quotes are accurate) now blame Richie for Jon’s vocal issues. Wonder when they’re going to find a way to blame him for the NFL fiasco?

But I guess that’s not really news either, since as far as some fans are concerned, Richie is already the scapegoat for the all the lackluster albums released since HAND, for the phoned-in performances and, more recently, for the lack of creativity in Jon’s writing. I gotta say, for people who think Richie was nothing more than a hired gun in Jon’s band, they sure seem to give him a lot of credit for everything they think was wrong with it.

The other thing that caught my attention is that, according to this comment from the Belfast article, Jon has apparently faced some down-home truths of his own:

And while Jon’s previously become too obsessed with the group's work, the singer insists he has taken a step back in recent years.

“Back in my earlier days I would have termed myself (a workaholic) that but not for the last decade,” he insisted. “When you get to a certain age you realise that there’s more to life than wanting to be the lead singer of a rock band."

The last decade?? If that’s a true statement, Jon doesn’t seem to have a real grip on his addictions, either. I guess it’s a good thing that “workaholism” is so much more socially acceptable.

"When you get to a certain age you realise that there’s more to life than wanting to be the lead singer of a rock band." Hmmm... Gee, now where have I heard that before? Seems like Jon may have learned more from Richie’s departure than just how to write meaningful songs again.

All that aside, I don’t know who is responsible for the content and the timing of these reports. It doesn’t matter if it’s Jon’s PR people or the writers and the media they represent. Either way, Jon needs to do something, musically or philanthropically, or get himself another award… something. He needs to find another way to promote the new album and tour. These October promos, and Richie’s coattails, are wearing thin.


Last edited by JackieBlue; 01-16-2017 at 12:58 AM..
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