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Old 03-04-2018, 02:52 PM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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The problem I have with both albums is the production (go figure). Luke Ebbin has some sort of unfinished sound that takes away from most of the songs... I also feel that he never really got the most out of Jon's voice. That's something Bob Rock was known for and there are stories how Bruce Fairbairn made Jon drink wine (my guess is to loosen him up mentally) to get the most out of his voice during Slippery.

Thank You For Loving Me had the potential to be another I'll Be There For You but it just lacks vocal passion and the production sounds incomplete... It's like a demo.... The song sounds so much better live.

Not just with Bon Jovi but with so many other bands too, something happened with the sound on most albums in terms of production. Maybe analog to digital, but with everything up to These Days sounds full, complete, and finished...

I was listening to Dog Eat Dog the other day (fantastic underrated Warrant album) and it's just so complete with energy...

But getting back on topic... Crush has more classic Bon Jovi elements... Bounce is more manufactured.
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