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Old 10-28-2014, 05:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

Jon's only answering the same questions over and over again because he's quite a bland person to begin with. He's got nothing to say about anything, will never really voice his true opinion because he's too afraid it'll damage the size of his fanbase. Everything is calculated, and it's made it very boring.

What also doesn't help is how he doesn't seem to want to talk about his music, because he only believes in it when it's riding high in the charts, as opposed to thinking it's the best stuff he's done before it's actually been released. There's plenty of artists who have had to answer the same questions over and over again and still manage to make it through an interview without it turning to a giant yawnfest.

Paul McCartney's still being asked about a band that broke up over 40 years ago and he's still answering the questions as if he genuinely cares for the question. It's something with manners and all of that. For whatever reason Jon seems to think that he's too important nowadays to be answering questions about an album cover. He just doesn't seem to get that if you've got nothing to say with your music, people won't bother to ask about it either.

Salaam Aleikum,
I honestly think the quality of the music has nothing to with the quality of the interview. Even back in the 90's there were questions about hair, looks, family, woman in general, 'making it', 'working hard", if I remember correctly.
The only thing that was new was this 'I am the CEO /dictator (haha) and the 'don't believe the hype and your own bullshit' which contradicts itself a bit...yeah, but now I am starting to analyse things I either don't care about or think are a bit funny.
And yes, playing the harmonica, the CEO talk was calculated of course.

It is funny, I only watch interviews when they are posted here to find out that I don't care. My own personal logic.

Last edited by faith1985; 10-28-2014 at 05:52 PM..
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