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Old 08-30-2016, 03:23 AM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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Allow me to chime in here cause that's what I do and that's my purpose!!!

Let me just start by saying that although my ultimate goal is to get as many songs as I can in the best possible quality ever, I am so over the song 'Nothing'

I really don't think the song is as great as everyone makes it out to be around here... It's one of those songs that should have made the final album. And if it did, it would have faded out like all the other songs off HAND...

Unless Jon releases the song from the master copy, that noise could never be removed form the individual track out there today... It's like trying to remove the drums or any other type of individual sound or instrument... It can't be done...

As far as us getting bonus songs via some type of vehicle, that is definitely possible... There are a ton of less popular bands out there who sell a lot less copies of albums and they still manage to pop out releases...

Jon just resigned with his record company so I'm hoping for a lot of future compilations... If they record company was smart, they should come up with creative and strategic way's to capitalize from their large fan base...
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