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Old 09-19-2014, 06:29 PM
Alphavictim Alphavictim is offline
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Jovi Freak
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Well, you wouldn't know that BJ are big Stones fans outside of a few select tracks. The lead singer / guitar player thing would be arguable, but really, that's Zeppelin and Aerosmith just as much. They're rock band in their 50s, so you KNOW they were influenced, but it's nowhere near as obvious as with, say, Oasis.

Bon Jovi still might be influenced by the Stones, in the way they approach things, in the way they arrange stuff. The R&B influences they showed during the These Days era probably owe more to the Stones than to Motown.

But stylistically, Bon Jovi are very different. The interesting thing is, the covers they've done usually did not fumble with the arrangement. They could have done Let's Spend The Night Together, with some Wild In The Streets-style 80s keys. Instead, they do Start Me Up and act like they're a traditional rock & roll band. I guess it has a lot to do with perceived heritage. Jumping Jack Flash could have a ton of vocal harmonies and big sound in the chorus, ala Raise Your Hands. AFAIR, they don't perform it like that.

I guess the only track they gave their own sound was the Cher cover.
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