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Old 02-01-2015, 05:05 PM
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Originally Posted by jovifan93 View Post
My two cents on this: I've (sadly in part) come to realize that Bon Jovi always went for the sound that was hip at the time they made their records, even if Jon adamantly denies it (as well as confirm it by saying they want to stay relevant with what they do).

The only slight exception maybe Keep The Faith, but overall I think that's what they always did - take what's popular and try to make it their own (at which they mostly succeeded IMHO).

I wouldn't read too much into "why is this album heavier" or "why is WAN so pop". It's just Jon chasing fads...
The key to Bon Jovi's longevity is the fact that they could change with the times by following trends however keeping their sound at the same time. It's a tricky balance that they learned to master. Probably the reason why they change producers more often than any other change within.

They mastered it in the 90's. BOR is the perfect example of that. It's an 80's song with a 90's production. IML is another big example of that.

Unfortunately, just like everything else that happened in the last 10 years, they've gotten a little off balance with the "times" and their "sound". The times are dominating their sound and that's why a new producer is in order. Jon also needs to get his head out of his ass by taking more control.
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