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Old 01-29-2015, 01:09 AM
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Becky Becky is offline
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For the record, I picked those two bands just because I knew they existed prior to Bon Jovi. I was a mere CHILD when those first few albums came out and my parents didn't allow me to listen to rock radio and we only had 3 TV Stations--on a good day--none of which were MTV. I didn't experience what was on the radio or MTV in the early 80's.

Here's a little bit of Bon Jovi trivia from my life. My friends used to go around singing "Bad Name" and teased me because I didn't know it. They were actually quite mean about it. So I asked my parents for a radio so I could hear that song and learn it so I could sing it with them. Yep, Bon Jovi is the reason I got my first stereo! I didn't have MTV until I went to college and, by then, it sucked.
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