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Old 03-31-2015, 04:49 PM
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Old Joysey Old Joysey is offline
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Oh c'mon people, leave the kid alone (*insert the "leave Britney alone" YT vid! ), of course she'll never have to work for a living, that's the fate of the rich and famous kids, so she can go to any univ and just enjoy herself in the Big Apple, who cares about degrees anyway?! Look at her dad and Jon: they each got a PhD although Richie spent only 2 years at college and didn't really study anything as he admitted and Jon hardly finished highschool, so relax, a degree is nothing but a mere piece of paper for some. C'est la vie!

She somehow reminds me of the Olsen twins...

Now let's go back to making fun of Richie, he's an adult so it's alright and he's great joke-material!
So... Who's to comment on this poor spelling-challenged soul?


Happy birthday @IamStevenT .. Your a living ledgend.. Lotsa love....RS


Now what do don't see in that shot was Buddy Guy and John Lee Hooker onstage jammin with us too..

Disclaimer: this guy really cracks me up and since he won't post an audio snippet of his next album, we might as well be killing time laughing at/with him!
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