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Old 02-14-2016, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by liljovi93 View Post
Not disrespected anyone saying that. I think it's stupid and the more things she is saying, the more stupid it gets.

Thankfully, I don't seem to be the only one who thinks this...
You are extremely ignorant with your posts and your own answers and some of the answer I read I did not find smart or intelligent at all. Did I insult RDKopper for what he wrote? No, I just pointed out what I experienced and that it was quite the opposite from what he wrote.
When I post things here and people accuse me of going there to meet Jon without knowing me, my motives or my personality I think it is very ignorant as well.

I think I gave the wrong impression that I am done because of the Soul Kitchen. I am not. I kept the Soul Kitchen and the band Bon Jovi as separate as I could and there where many other things concerning Jon's actions, his music and his lack of authenticity, his arrogance, his hunger for money instead of music which destroyed my concert experience, the fact that he is selling himself to the fanclub...
All these things led to my decision to not care anymore. The thing with my friend was the reason it all came together for me.

Last edited by faith1985; 02-14-2016 at 12:01 PM..
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