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Old 02-10-2016, 11:06 PM
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
PEOPLE!! C'mon... Give a girl a break. She has an opinion and she stated it, along with her reasons for said opinion. She wasn't abusive. She didn't derail an existing thread to do so. She even started a new thread in the General BJ Discussion Forum (which exists, if I can still read and comprehend correctly, to allow for comments about "everything related to Bon Jovi (the band or individual members') activities ..."). She clearly titled the thread in such a way as to give fair warning about the content of her post.

I don't understand the problem. If you don't want to read what she has to say, then don't read it! It's not rocket science. Jeez!!

It seems to me that Jon's use of the words "integrity" and "character" to describe the upcoming album may have set her off and, while there are obviously some who only care about work product and couldn't care less if the artists they listen to aren't what they seem, that can be important to others. It's an opinion, FFS!

(And this is mine, so deal with it!)

BTW, faith1985, I mean no disrespect by using third person as if you're not in the room. But I was talking about you, not to you.

Carry on...
I think you are one of the only ones who got why I am pissed
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