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Old 08-01-2015, 07:43 AM
efpg0708 efpg0708 is offline
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Dry County
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Default Why won't anyone ask it ?

Everytime I see videos of these Runaway Tour Q&A IT's always the same questions: "Jon, how do you feel about the new album?" "Do you still enjoy touring?" Bla bla bla ...

I've always wondered why won't anybody ask a question like: Jon, on the last tour you had a lot of issues with your vocals, specially towards the end. What do you think about it ? What are you doing about it?

What happens ? You mike gets silenced? Are you removed from the venue? Is there a sniper ready to shoot you ? Is it like North Korea ?

I'd really like to see him adressing subjects like these instead of the same shit everytime.
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