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Old 04-16-2014, 04:54 AM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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I said it a million times and I'll say it again.... Royalties Royalties Royalties

A nice little unexpected paycheck would go to Alec John Such if Jon ever released those songs, especially if Alec wrote any of those bass lines. It would be too much work for them to lift Alec's and replace them with Hugh's. Plus he'd still have to pay Hugh studio time. I also don't think Jon is too fond of them or anything pre 2000 for that matter.

You saw what they did on the OWN Live CD and those Special Edition CDs. They were including live songs post Alec...and then played it off on the Special Editions like they were from each era meanwhile, they were full of shit pretending they didn't know.

Look, we have the NJ demos now. A great fan here ever corrected the speeds and cleaned them up pretty well. If you compare the Prayer demo that we already had to the cleaned up one on the box set, there isn't a significant difference. There are obvious improvements between the two but not enough to go crazy over. I think the NJ Demos are in better quality then the SWW ones too. Sure, I'd love to have them but I don't think there is much more they could even do to make them sound perfect.
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