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Old 04-16-2014, 07:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

Forget what's been said above because it's so full of errors and contradictions...again.

Here's how it works for the U.S.A. regarding double albums and box sets.

If you sell a double album lasting 90 minutes, the RIAA considers it one sold one unit. If you however sell a double album lasting over 100 minutes, it's counted as two units. The same goes for box sets, which usually last over 100 minutes anyway. Every disc will be counted as an individual unit. In theory, this means that if a record store sells a box set with 12 CD's in it lasting over 100 minutes, it'll be reported as 12 box sets sold despite there actually being only one physical unit.

So, let's say Bon Jovi has sold 125.000 box sets in the U.S.A., they'll be multiplied by 4, meaning they have, according to the charts, sold 500.000 units, In the U.S.A. you need 500.000 sold multi disc units for a Gold Certification meaning the box has achieved gold status despite there only being 125.000 physical copies around.

Moving on...

Salaam Aleikum,
OK. We already knew all that. You didn't add anything in regards to sales or charting though. That's what your missing and failing to present. Yes, the album is rewarded a gold status and the band is given a plaque but that doesn't mean anything in regards to sales or charting. It's not charted as if it sold 500 copies. If it sold 1000 units in the first week, it's not charted as 4,000 copies sold and a winner against a single cd that sold only 3,000 copies.


- In the US, the Box Set SOLD 125 thousand copies and that how the Record Company views it. And that's it...... Their final sales figures are based on that number of units times the price it was sold at. How the number of CDs are counted is completely irrelevant to them.

- It achieved a Gold status by the Recording Industry Association of America because it contained 4 CDs. 4 X 125 = 500 thousand. The RIAA and Record Company have NOTHING to do with each other when it comes to recording sales figures.

- It peaked at number 53 on the Billboard Charts due to the actual numbers of physical units it sold in the first week. Not the number of CDs included within each unit.
World’s Most Professional Bon Jovi Fan!!!

Last edited by Rdkopper; 04-16-2014 at 07:49 PM..
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