Thread: Boston Photos
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Old 07-22-2008, 05:10 AM
milomom milomom is offline
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
They look really awesome. Thanks for posting a link. What kind of camera do you have? I'm going to have to buy a new one.

I've taken an intial look at my photos and am pretty disappointed. The majority blurred. I figured out when Jon was in the audience that I was getting clearer photos using digital zoom instead of optical zoom, so I started using the digital. I know it's best to stick to optical zoom, but I think mine is just fried. The camera is only 4 years old, but it has been to a lot of concerts. It's not taking photos as quickly as it used to either.
I'm glad you like them, Becky. I have a Panasonic DMC-TZ3 that I bought during the weekend of the Jovi shows in Chicago in February. It has 7.2 megapixels and 10 X optical zoom. Since then, Panasonic has put out a new version of this camera with more megapixels, and another camera with 18 X zoom. It's hard to believe that a camera that I bought 5 months ago is already so out-of-date! Goodness only knows what will be available by the time the guys tour again.

I'm sorry your pics didn't turn out well. I had a lot of trouble at these shows (and in NYC), too. Most of what I got was because I was close to the side stage. It must have been divine intervention that allowed me to get photos of Jon & Richie during the acoustic Wanted. Those were by far the best shots I got of the main stage during the entire trip. I'm very glad to have those. Feel free to print, save, etc. any of mine that you want. And if you need the full-size files for any of them, just let me know. Photos aren't fun unless you share them!
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