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Old 08-30-2015, 07:18 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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WARNING!! Possible "ego-drivel" ahead!! If not interested, move on!!

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Well yeah, but that's because information has come out after the last 4 tours... Even during The Circle tour, rumours started to come out on how Richie wasn't showing up for rehearsals.... Some dirt has come out, both on this board and off this board when talking to crew members.
Ah, Rumours and Innuendo...such reliable sources. I hope you don't think they are exclusive, Seb; 'cause they been cheatin' on ya!! Lots of ppl have been talking to the same guys!

Doesn't it seem just a little bit coincidental how much "they" have had to say about Richie since he ticked everyone off?

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
... it's been kind of obvious how Richie has been the biggest liability. If you are unable to play, you're a liability. He was drunk pretty much the entire HAND tour, was incapable of doing MTV Unplugged, had to cancel a show in South America, dropped out of a leg in 2010 and then did the same thing in 2011...
It's only been "kind of obvious" since April 2013, and that could well be caused by the sh!t-colored glasses ppl have been looking through.

BTW, which leg did Richie drop out of in 2010? I don't recall that one.

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
...And what would this right reason be? ...
I don't know. I didn't say it. You'll have to ask the ppl who did what constitutes a right reason for them. Some of the things I remember were, "I could understand it if his daughter wants him at home" and "if there had been a family member who was sick" or "if he had said something before the tour started". (Of course, that last one went away when it came out later that he HAD told Jon he needed a longer break before the tour started.)

And again, you miss the point, which is that ppl were upset because he didn't give them a reason that they thought was good enough. But if they don't know the reason how can they know if it's good enough or not?

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
...Now I'm sure there have been reasons that have not been shared with us...*
Bingo! And without knowing what those reasons are, how can you possibly know that he's a selfish prick?

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
...And which ones would that be? ...
I don't know about you, Seb, but I know a LOT of ppl who can't do any of the things you listed; and they're still plenty smart. I once had a manager who couldn't find his way out of a bathroom without a map and couldn't keep track of a 2-day itinerary; but he was a brilliant negotiator who could sell anything and he made a ton playing the stock market. So I'd say he was far from "stupid".

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
...Because that's what he's been hinting at. Richie's never said it directly, but saying things like "Well it's not really Bon Jovi without me" pretty much means that he kind of expected the thing to be blown off...*
Interpreting what he says as "hints" to what he "pretty much means" pretty much means that you did, in fact, draw your own conclusion without the facts.

Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
...It's not so much fans not willing to accept that these are the reasons that's the issue here, it's you who seems to need a valid other reason for Richie doing the things he does. It's as if you can't make peace with the thought of Richie actually dropping out for the reasons he stated.
So now you think you know what I think; and (big surprise) you're wrong about that, too. I don't need a reason. I'm perfectly at peace with whatever his reasons are, because I never had a need to judge him OR his reasons.

The only problem I have is with ppl who apparently DID need a reason, one that THEY thought justified his actions, but couldn't even wait until they knew what his reasons were before making judgments about the man's character. And still not knowing if they have the whole story or not, the same ppl have now decided that he's a selfish prick (no matter what the unknown reasons might be); and furthermore, he's a moron who hasn't been worth spit for the last decade, or never was that good anyway. They've basically re-written history because they got pissed off.

It's not about Richie and it has nothing to do with living in Richie land. Where I live, we believe that someone, no matter who it is, is "innocent until proven guilty" and that it's not only unfair, but "stupid" as well, to judge someone without facts, because jumping to conclusions often lands you in a ditch.

Like I said to Roll, this is way off-topic. If you want to discuss it further, I'll be happy to, but let's take it to PM. (Except I would like to know about the 2010 leg he dropped off of. )
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