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Old 08-30-2015, 11:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

And what would this right reason be? If you drop out of a tour and don't give any reason other than "needing to see your daughter", you're a moron.
Salaam Aleikum,
He did give a reason and a very valid one too.

I'm power phrasing here but he stated that it was just too much and consumed his entire life. It was a never ending cycle. They would tour and once the tour ended, he was back writing for the next record, recording, and touring again.

Saying he missed out on a lot of time with his daughter was his main reason but anyone with a little common sense could understand, after reading the above statement, that he means life. Friends, Family, his own solo records, etc have all been put on hold because of the Bon Jovi Corporation.

Something tells me that Jon's not the easiest person to work or get along with either...

The dude just burnt out and probably thought it was best to just go before he fell off the wagon again.
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