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Old 08-30-2015, 07:09 AM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by Roll View Post

The breach I mention in Richie's common sense is not about thinking Bon Jovi is no longer what it used to be without Richie, which is obvious, but about Richie's apparent problem with the band keeping touring while he's away. How stupid do you have to be for blaming them to keep playing when YOU ran away leaving the band and thousands of fans who had bought expensive tickets helpless? I'm sorry but when you go awol, the best you can do is keep your mouth shut.
Why on earth would Richie think that Jon would stop a tour because he didn't show up? He didn't stop it when Richie was in rehab in 2011 and that was apparently with Jon's blessing. You think Richie figured Jon would stop it if he pissed him off by walking away? It never even occurred to me that Jon would stop the tour. And Richie knows him a lot better than I do.

Originally Posted by Roll View Post
We don't need to assume anything since he's everywhere saying how he used to be the frontman before he joined Bon Jovi and how he felt the urge to be the frontman again and that's the reason why he left Bon Jovi. There's no need to assume what the guy himself says.
He gave several reasons for needing a break. The assumption occurs when you decide that you, or anybody else outside of the people involved, can know for a fact that there aren't other reasons, perhaps some that he isn't sharing with the world at large, for why he didn't return to finish the tour.

He said the same thing about fronting when he was promoting Stranger in 91 and US in 98. Nobody thought that it was a midlife crisis when he said it then.

He also said he needed to be at home with his daughter and that the band needed a break from touring. All of those are valid reasons for needing a break, but none of them explain why he walked away mid-tour.

Given Bon Jovi's history of keeping dirty laundry to themselves, and sharing only the parts of the story they think will maintain the image they've always had, can you say with absolute certainty that the only reason, or even the primary reason, Richie didn't return to the tour is because he suddenly decided that he was tired of standing in Jon's shadow, as he had done for 30 years, and that there wasn't some other catalyst to trigger it?

Originally Posted by Roll View Post
Once again, I don't blame Richie for leaving because I can understand that after all these years he needed, his midlife crisis helping, something different. But let me blame him for doing it the Richie way, which means the dumbest way possible.
You don't need my permission to blame anybody for anything. If that's what floats your boat, go for it.

In the meantime, this has gone way off-topic. I'll be happy to continue the discussion with you if you like. PM me if you want to carry it further, ok?

Last edited by JackieBlue; 08-30-2015 at 07:25 AM..
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