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Old 11-12-2015, 02:39 AM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
They should set up something where anyone who buys tickets to both shows can get a free meal nearby -- including at the Soul Kitchen! With each show will running around ninety minutes, it should be fine -- it isn't as though anyone will be singing for ninety minutes straight!
If they sold out the first show with no issues, they shouldn't need to package the second one to include a free meal at the SK...

The SK has it's own purpose and is not related to Bobby's charitable cause. Just because Jon is performing, it's not a JBJ show. If they needed to do such a package, as you stated above, it should be with a local restaurant who would want to donate or get a plug around the holiday season and the SK should be totally left out of it.

The SK is a small little place the operates with the balance of donations and with people who could not afford a meal. During the night of the show, right before Christmas, the SK should operate as it normally does and if a person is able to afford tickets to both shows, they shouldn't get a free meal. They should go to the SK, have a meal, make a donation, leave a little extra, and pay for the person next to them.
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