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Old 04-08-2013, 02:48 PM
RonJovi RonJovi is offline
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Originally Posted by DevilsSon View Post
I keep on reading these kind of statements but how can that work without being the end of it? It's not like firing Alec - it's firing the man who wrote Wanted Dead or Alive, the man who wrote I'll Be There For You, These know, 90% of Bon Jovi's awesome songs are written or co-written by Richie. How could Jon sing those songs? How could I watch them live, knowing that they fired the man who wrote those songs, AFTER 30 YEARS!!!, because he has some personal issues that he can't get a grip on . I know it's just speculation, but to me, firing Richie would be the absolute end of Bon Jovi and I would even have a hard time listening to the classics any longer. To me, this band was not just about the music. It had a lot to do with their loyalty and friendship, their underdog attitude, the fact that they were role-models for an entire generation. Yes. The music started to suck, but everything else I still sympathised with. There is no way I could overlook all these things if Richie was to be fired.

Having said that, this will NEVER happen. Lots of bands have feuds and arguments and so on. But they get over it and get their shit together. Unless Jon has been spending too much time with Axl Rose recently (which he might have, who knows!), I can't possibly see how he'd ever sack Richie.
I did say "unless it was a personal issue" they should fire him.

I know what you're saying but he has no place in the band, IMO, if he'll just walk out because he has had a blow out with Jon. That's unprofessional and he's leaving thousands of people down.

However, I don't think that's what's happened. I believe something genuine has come up and he's had to go take care of it. It is odd that Jon hasn't spoken to him but I just can't see these guys falling out over money. They've been together 30 years. They've seen the best and worst of each other and they are (or should be) a lot more mature now.
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