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Old 05-16-2013, 02:47 AM
RonJovi RonJovi is offline
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Originally Posted by Beaky View Post
As I said a while back, no row, it's just that things were not how Richie wanted them. I think this is a stubborn stand-off between the two of them and I think it's not been raised voices or fighting, it's just something made Richie ask for more time off or to sing a solo song or something dead simple and it's just escalated out of nothing.

This happens when you've known people years and years, it won't be something big that makes those type of colleagues/friends fall out, it will be something simple and stupid. As I've said, Jon won't have changed the game, he's a smart guy but Richie has asked to appear at something, take a day off or miss a gig for some reason and Jon has told him 'no.'

Richie looks like a pr*ck here and the longer this goes on, the more of a prick he is going to look. When people say 'he wouldn't do this, it's career suicide,' I don't think this has been thought through, I think it was done on a spare of the moment and he thought Jon would back down and now it's just turned into a staring competition. Jon isn't helping but basically telling people 'I don't know... ' it just puts everything on RS and it's surely going to make him even more determined to just say '**** you mate, I am not coming back.'
Don't get me wrong, Richie isn't doing himself any favours but they are going back and forth with interview-tweet-interview-pic on Twitter... Jon drops hints that everything is fine from his point of view and it's down to Richie, Richie tells everyone he's 'f*cking great' almost a little *too* enthusiastically.

I think this is the reason they haven't spoken because now, Jon is privately pissed off. Everything I say about this guy, he will NOT be happy that the shows are going on without RS, that he's taken flak for it and, more importantly, they've had to hand out refunds. I really can't see this being anything but a silly little spat over something and both of them sticking to their principles.
You know, I think you're probably not wrong with this post. If you are right, to me, Richie doesn't just look like a prick, he is a prick.

If you are right he has been unprofessional in the extreme and has proven that he doesn't give two f**ks about his fans.

Hats off to Jon for the way he has tried to handle this. Whether he was right or wrong in any falling out (and there is a decent chance that he's acted like an egomaniac or a prick in that case), at least he has tried to do his job properly and maintained as dignified a silence as he could have.
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