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Old 07-25-2013, 12:01 AM
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golittleperson golittleperson is offline
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I thought about a 12 hour drive and tickets for the 27th and talked myself out of it, if close would go for the band but not that far without Richie. I don't think the source is right, more Nikki/Yoko press going on, Ava at her Dad's. Yes, he could be east coast in 6 hours but don't feel it will be so. Phil X not giving anything away, never does when people ask if for example he's excited about Jersey. Keep calling Jersey Richies home, is his roots but sadly what I feel now is that he is all LA and he didn't do Staples. As to fashion in Aug., band on break all month anyway. I think if at all the soonest will be Sept. If he shows on the 27th, I'll be so ticked I didn't take a leap. But, he is in a damned if he does, damned if he doesn't position now anyway. Saw an old video on fb today from 09 when Jon talks about the Circle, as he put it Jersey style is so hard to get in the circle and even harder to get out of it. Says alot about BJ - whole BJ not like now.
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