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Old 01-17-2015, 03:06 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
Different times. That was 15 years ago now and there weren't the hard feelings there are now...
I guess by '15 years ago' you mean when Richie actually made the comment, and I assume attitudes in the band were okay then, since they were working together to make the documentary.

But his statement referred to the time period between NJ and KTF; and according to all accounts I've seen, feelings in the band at that time were pretty bitter - especially between Jon and Richie. Even in their understated 'no dirty laundry' way, the band has acknowledged that there were issues to be worked through. In his book about Axl, Mick Wall referred to "the almost insurmountable rift between Richie Sambora and Jon Bon Jovi" that they needed Lou Cox's help to resolve. So I'm not sure that the split between NJ and KTF wasn't even more acrimonious than the one happening now. It just wasn't as public.

The good news in that, though, is that they got past that hurdle and if they choose to, they'll get over this one, too. And I would think that the only way they would make that choice is if they really want to - which might mean we'd see some real band effort and creativity. Otherwise I don't think they'll bother.

I agree with Destination Jovi, they really needed a break. They have that now; and I think if they do get together again it will be because they have the desire to make music - not just more money.
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