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Old 08-29-2015, 11:57 PM
bjmjpl bjmjpl is offline
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
We're basically saying the same thing!
Not owning your masters means the record company can do whatever they want with your material and you, the artist, the creator, have no control over it, businessmen own your creation, that's what artists consider as a bad deal, just ask them! It's not only about the money, it's about the things you gave birth to, an extension of yourself, it's a very physical and instinctive reaction. It also means that you have to pay money to do live performances of the songs you wrote, isn't it crazy and absurd? In what other business do you have to put up with such a situation?

Look for Macca's interviews 30 years ago when he tried to buy The Beatles catalog but Michael Jackson made a better offer and one-time music partner (friend?) Macca was hurt and felt betrayed. Do you really think it was all just about money? And this year again Macca is trying to buy it:

Just sayin' anyway. You're free to believe otherwise.
good articles - i didnt know all that...really interesting
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