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Old 03-22-2024, 06:03 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi_cro View Post
Sorry but it's not a theory and it's not explicitly meant as Tico is not on a final recording, but no way Tico was present while that album was made and crafted. And this is not a new story, it's like that since Crush at least, with varying degrees. They even bragged that for House album they (finally) got together to craft some songs (again, in minority). Ofc Tico in the end recorded, but that transcipt proves that much of the sampled stuff still found a way to a record. Admittedly, in 2013 samples were not good enough. Today? It's harder to find a popular metal band or a pop artist for that fact that records their own drummer (just as an example). So yes, I stand by what I said, that record is half assed Jon with half assed demos given to Shanks to "produce", read finish them, arrange them and finally record them with a band in the least timeframe possible. His choices along the way define that album as the worst produced and arranged album of Jovi's discography
There's video footage of Tico recording the drums for It's My Life alone in the studio so again I ask, why is this different? The drum sample stuff has been present since Destination Anywhere and used off and on. My point is it's not new. And if you have beef of something that's been happening since 1997, complaining about it it still in 2024, I don't know!

"Same old boring drum track, same old pattern of Jon's chords perfectly alligned to the tempo on point, means the same old washed pattern. This is especially evident in singles, why though beats me as they are boring and never succesful. In fact, Lost Highway, Born to Follow, What about now, This house, now Legendary, are completely the same in this sense."

Born to Follow was recorded live in the studio with overdubs added later so they weren't all recorded the same. Some are one instrument at a time, some are mostly live tracks and tweaked as they go. But success has nothing to do with how they are recorded. It's incredibly naive to think any normal person can tell "oh this was recorded by a split band and that's why I don't like it". That stuff is all in our heads and does not factor into song likability and chart success.

"So yes, I stand by what I said, that record is half assed Jon with half assed demos given to Shanks to "produce", read finish them, arrange them and finally record them with a band in the least timeframe possible." Even after reading song writing started with Shanks in 2011 with the majority of the album recorded January through August of 2012 and still sticking with your theory, I don't think we're going to change each others minds and that's fine. I don't care for the album much either and at least that we can agree on!
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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