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Old 03-21-2024, 11:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
Is Bob Rock still like that, though? There's a lot to be said for everyone acting like if it had Bob, the songs would be better and I still think it's far more nuanced than that. I don't want to keep dunking on RSO but to say he'll butt heads and challenge quality and we wound up with a...sigh...Reggae mix of Good Times.

Bob Rock when he was top of his game, competely agree.
I don't think your style of production changes, I don't think Bob's personality changes. The RSO record is what it was. It was recorded over the space of god knows how many years, it was finished, then it wasn't, then it was, then they were back in the studio again, then it seemed like Ori and Richie were breaking up so they had to rush release the album. I don't think Bob can be blamed for any of that, that's all on Richie, as is proven when the same thing is happening with his solo record now. Ori is now on her 4th record since then or something. It was disjointed because of Richie. It always felt like Bob was just treating it as though he was helping a friend out between jobs. I can imagine Richie is probably not the easiest to work with in the studio. He needs a Jon or a Bob to reign him in and get him to focus.

Bob has produced numerous other records since then that haven't taken as long, including as someone mentioned the Paul Rodgers album which is excellent. I know Bob's track record has been hit and miss over the recent years, but you can only be as good as whatever band you are working with at the end of the day. He's records have mostly had a pretty good sound to them.
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