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Old 02-23-2018, 11:58 AM
Alphavictim Alphavictim is offline
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They're both ok for what they are.

Agreed that WWWU is basically WAN (the song) part 2. Jon's really struggling vocally considering it's a studio recording. He sounds much better on Walls. The chorus is pretty catchy, but the verses are rather nondescript musically. The lyrics are probably dear to the guy but in terms of wording and all they don't stand out much to me. The solo doesn't live up to the buildup by the rather anticlimatic bridge. The short singalong at the end is a nice touch. The chimes or bells or whatever that is at the end (a keyboard most likely, but the soundfont I mean) kinda give it a Christmas-y vibe. Well, it's still winter I guess.

Walls actually starts with a riff and has a pretty cool atmosphere in verses. Lyrics are basically about nothing (well, I'm sure JBJ considers them political, but they're so general and lack the bite to really make it stick). The chorus is... I dunno, is the part right before THESE WAAAALLS also part of the chorus or is that a prechorus? 'cos that part is pretty weak. The THESE WAALLS part is okay though. Not as catchy as "when weee weeere yoooung", but does the job. So, better verses than WWWU, worse chorus (or half a chorus). Sounds less like the band but actually a bit more powerful. Solo is a lot better, it's not just random phrases but actually establishes a melody and varies it.

Walls is the one I'd rather listen to I guess. And yeah, I like Born Again Tomorrow.
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