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Old 02-11-2016, 10:42 PM
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Originally Posted by liljovi93 View Post
I remember your first post on here. I liked it. You were saying how you went off the band and then came Burning Bridges and it got your hopes up again or whatever. Since then, you've been nothing but negative yet your a new member. I don't understand. If you was a member on here for a while and came back, I would understand. But instead you came after BB because you quite liked it but now you act like that album didn't exist.

I see what you are saying about how Jon should only be doing this due to his own passion but how do you know he isn't? This is what I am trying to say on here. People are acting like they have heard the album and are writing it off already. Why? Just wait for it and see what you think when you put it on.
You misundestood me, or I didn't express myself as well as I thought (sorry, no time to triple check posts and some things are hard to articulate in another language, sometimes it takes forever lol). I love LOVE LOVE BB (hate "We all fall down" though) and it's one of the few post2000 that has stood the test of time. I assure you I won't ever change my mind about that album. I appreciate Jon getting out of his comfort zone, but what I was trying to say is that I'm not going to stand up and clap loudly because I know (and most of this board I'm sure will agree) that he could have done this type of album many times before and didn't for a myriad of reasons, the most powerful of all (IMHO) being FEAR of facing more criticism and losing the easy and seemingly loyal public the easy/bland/safe albums have gotten him. That's why my hopes for the new album went from sky high at the beginning to moderate optimism to "don't be silly, like he's going to take the risk". I obviously know nothing about it, other than a few comments here and there, but there's little room for optimism when all we get from the BJ camp are those ridiculously expensive fanclub trips which turn into poor concerts most of the time, and the things Jon says about the album seem a rehearsal of the same discourse over the years, only minor change being that "going back to the old studio" bit. I know that even if the new album was like WAN, I'm here until the bitter end, I had my "done with the band" phase that only made me realize how much they mean to me, but I want them to give it all, like I know they can. Not because they owe me (or the rest of the fans) anything, but because THEY ARE A DAMN GOOD BAND AND THE CRITICS CAN SHOVE THEIR OPINIONS WHEREVER THEY WANT AND LET THEM BE, I want them to stop hiding their good songs in b-sides and fan albums and stop worrying so much about what others think and being passionate and proud about their music. I care too much about the band to see how they are fading so fast and all that fans will remember will be the hits and an ageing band that was living in borrowed time for more than a decade. Because I think they are way better than that.

BTW, I was a *member* who never registered and I came back, both to the band and the forum thanks to BB, so you got that part almost right LOL. I recently discovered I had visited the board way longer than I remember, so yeah, an old member (not that it matters, being old, new or in-between, all opinions should be valid as long as they are respectful).

How people can say they are heartbroken is ridiculous. Many more things in the world to worry about.
When you are a fan of something for such a long time, yeah, you may feel a little bit heartbroken every once in a while because you invest so much in that fandom/passion. But it's not *real life* heartbreak, of course

These days what's left of me ain't no Prince Charming

We know Jon, we know