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Old 01-14-2017, 05:05 PM
Eveline Eveline is offline
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And what if I don't want to f***** go? If I don't think the performance is good enough to be paid for (and it's not cheap!), then I won't!

It's OK not to like something but it's not OK to say you suck just because you dare to differ. BJ IS a legend, very much to this day, but the magic is gone! Just because they've been around for many years doesn't justify the situation where 'the best' becomes 'fairly average' to say the least.

We, as fans, differ in all ways possible but we're united by the love for the Band. Yet, blind idolizing without acknowledging the obvious deteriorating of the quality of the delivered product causes unnecessary rifts among the fans. Same with this foolish side taking, while the guys themselves try to stay as loyal as possible, even if they've failed a few times when they let the emotions take over.

I know many are hurt and disappointed with RS sudden departure and bad timing but it doesn't do the man justice to say that he was anyway a mediocre guitar player and Phil X is way better and more energetic than RS. Pardon, that was one bad joke and even the so called "Jon's supporters" rarely make such bold (and untrue) statements. Phil X doesn't belong to the legendary BJ, he's a good replacement, but that's it, whether you like it or not. And I've never heard that Hugh has replaced Alec and he has done it better! Maybe because Alec was fired while Richie left on his own but that shouldn't be the case. It takes a lot of maturity to move on without bearing grudges and passing judgement, usually one-sided anyway. BJ is (was?) a band, not a lead singer with hired musicians or am I wrong? Sometimes I have such impression reading comments...

If you are so willing to accept that Jon's voice can be bad but still enjoyable then try to be as understanding when it comes to Richie's guitar skills. They're both old, for goodness sake!

And here's something to pick your spirits up

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