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Old 04-28-2024, 04:58 PM
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Originally Posted by semigoodlooking View Post
Lots of footage from every interview that got cut, surely. Although, it would make sense for Chopra to keep the most controversial points in, so I doubt anything too heavy was cut.

Regarding Richie's schedule. Why are we arbiters of how exhausted he is, how impacted by his life weighing on his schedule he is? At the end of the day, if he says he is spent he is spent. My personal thing is he just didn't want an album cycle at that stage, for a multitude of reasons.

In the documentary, I was thinking that neither of them is necessarily lying, but they are only saying their own truth. Richie alludes to this. There is not much effort to see it from the other's side, apart from a few lines from Jon about blaming himself and Richie's eventual apology.

Hundred precent this, complete agreement. Being Jon's full time right hand man until Shanks was in the picture sounds exhausting. Yes, we have a rough idea of the timeline of shows and what was released but it doesn't accout for the shit worked on that never saw the light of day. ie: 2003, the Yokohama 2003 recording took time, they stopped and started an in studio acoustic record before diverting to TLFR. 2006 onward his personal life went to hell, I don't think he's int the wrong for wanting a break where he didnt' have to deal with 5 other guys while also reassembling his life. If he was promised that then he is owed that.

I think it's a slippery slope to assume there are tracks where Shanks played every guitar prior to WAN. If that was the case in 2005-2007, 2012 wouldnt' haver affected Richie as much. Shanks has full on told people he did the banjo sounding lick on Lost Highway so you know he is on the album but I don't for a second think there are songs that are just Shanks.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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