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Old 04-29-2024, 03:28 PM
semigoodlooking semigoodlooking is offline
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Originally Posted by Kova View Post
Jon said an interesting thing on Michael Strahan interview when asked about Richie coming back.

Strahan: "Do you ever see a time when you could perform together again?

Jon: "There's no animos. Plug in the guitar. Stand over there next to Phil and John (Shanks) and me, and David and Tico.. If there's a show tonight I'm not hard to find."

This is where I think the disconnect is. Richie would come back, but he wants to take his own place again.
He probably doesn't want to stand next to Phil and especially not Shanks. And unless that changes, he won't be back.
And Jon probably doesn't want to do that and tell them that they're out now.

So, there's that.
This is it really. Richie would want to come back likely as co-writer and co-producer etc. He said last year Jon would be mad not to use him in that way, so perhaps he already knew something. Richie's stance would be understandable, why give up the life he has now to be a touring guitarist with Bon Jovi?

Then Jon, he is thinking why would I give this guy his place back when he let me down several times before and ultimately left? It is an understandable position to take, and to demand concessions for Richie's return.

It is like I said before, they are both living their own truth and both are correct/wrong.
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