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Old 07-30-2016, 03:17 AM
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It was an okay post... I'm not sure I agree with it all 100%...

Not everything is as cut and dry as she's making it out to be...

Bon Jovi is a business and it was time to go back to work... You don't know the contractual agreement they had with their Record Conpany... Other people work for the Bon Jovi corporation besides Jon and Richie... They had 2012 off... Most people get 2 weeks vacation, Richie got a year... It's not as simple as 'okay Richie take another year and let me know if you need another one after that! Don't worry, the rest of the band and the road crew will just wait until you're ready'... If 2015 Burning Bridges was the deadline with that current contract, then they needed to get out 2 albums in 3 years...

I think Jon gave Richie more time then needed while completing most of WAN without him...

Both arguments are justifiable. I just think Richie was burnt out of the Bon Jovi machine and was being excluded from the creative process... Not to mention that Jon's probably a total dick to Richie in general...

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Last edited by Rdkopper; 07-30-2016 at 03:23 AM..
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