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Old 09-29-2014, 05:19 PM
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Moonlighting as head of the Republican Governor's Association has required Christie to go on cross-country fundraising tours. He brags of raising record amounts, but that's hard to tell as regulations allow the donors and their amounts to be kept private. But not anymore:
New York Times: ...Republicans and Democrats, and groups sympathetic to both, spend millions on sophisticated make their own information secure. But sometimes a simple coding mistake can lay bare documents and data that were supposed to be concealed from the prying eyes of the public. Such an error by the Republican Governors Association recently resulted in the disclosure of exactly the kind of information that political committees given tax-exempt status normally keep secret, namely their corporate donors and the size of their checks...

The documents, many of which the Republican officials have since removed from their website, showed that an A-to-Z of America’s most prominent companies, from Aetna to Walmart, had poured millions of dollars into the campaigns of Republican governors since 2008. One document listed 17 corporate “members” of the governors association’s secretive 501(c)(4), the Republican Governors Public Policy Committee, which is allowed to shield its supporters from the public...
I'm not buying the coding error story: I think this happened deliberately. Either the RGA has a mole, anonymous hackers have struck -- or orders have been issued from higher up to start pushing Christie away from the 2014 midterm elections if not out of the 2016 presidential race.

It certainly didn't help that his latest self-exoneration gambit backfired, or that the taxpayer bill he's run up for it has hit nine million dollars. And it's probably just another one of those crazy Christie coincidences that stories about several other Republican presidential hopefuls have appeared within the past seven days:

All signs point to Jeb Bush prepping for 2016 presidential run

Jeb Bush campaigns for 2014 GOP candidates, weighs presidential bid during stops in NC

Romney 2016 is for real

Rick Santorum Returns

Ted Cruz Is Prepping a Foreign Policy-Focused Presidential Campaign

The last thing Christie needs is something ELSE going embarrassingly wrong on his watch, especially something that involves corporate donor money!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-04-2014 at 04:12 PM..
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Old 10-15-2014, 07:12 AM
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Christie just completed a three-state fundraising/Republican governor endorsement tour -- one that suggests that he has indeed been put on the back burner as far as the midterm elections is confirmed.

In Pennsylvania, he endorsed the incumbent Republican governor who is so far behind in the polls, HE made a speech introducing Christie when it's supposed the other way around. And speaking of polls, a recent one places Christie's negative ratings above his positive ratings in New Jersey for the very first time!

Just before he left, though, Christie engaged in a little money laundering on the official state Web site:
Gov. Chris Christie has expunged several years of data regarding property tax rebates, a sure sign that he is trying to hide his atrocious record. What other motive would explain it?

He liked to talk about how the rate of increase is down, and that’s true. Rates bumped up only 1.7 percent last year, down from a peak of 7 percent per year a decade ago. But that’s only half the story.

Christie also slashed rebates that were earmarked for the elderly and middle-class. Compare the records: (Previous NJ governor) Jon Corzine sent out just over $6 billion in rebates during his four years; Christie slashed that to just over $1 billion....The...burden on the average family in New Jersey has increased much faster on Christie’s watch. An analysis by NJ Spotlight showed that the burden rose by 18.6 percent in Christie’s first three years, triple the rate of increase under Corzine....

So the administration could initiate an honest dialogue by putting the website numbers back, as a 72-1 Assembly vote suggested last Tuesday. Or it can continue its longstanding government practice of hiding behind fuzzy math.
Also, that Open Public Records Act court ruling Christie lost has already come back to haunt him -- the Bergen Record newspaper got the state government emails they requested:
An aide to Gov. Chris Christie traded emails last year about a controversial gas pipeline through the Pinelands region with her husband, who is a top executive at the company behind the project...

The messages, including one about how the Pinelands Commission members may vote on the project, were sent the same day a member who opposed the pipeline said he was told the State Ethics Commission had ordered him to recuse himself...

The emails were exchanged Dec. 12, 2013, between the aide, Christina Genovese Renna, on her governor’s office account, and Michael Renna, who is president and chief operating officer of South Jersey Industries, the parent company of South Jersey Gas, which wanted to build the pipeline in the environmentally sensitive area.
This week, Christie spoke before the New Jersey NAACP, an African-American civil rights organization, where he announced:
"...I'm never running for public office in New Jersey again. The only job left for me to run for is United States Senate, and...I would rather die than be in the United States Senate...I would be bored to death."
That's sounds very final -- and not a word about running for president? May that decision already been made for him already...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-24-2014 at 02:47 AM..
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Old 10-17-2014, 04:00 AM
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A closer look at the New Jersey State Investment Council:
In...2011...Gov. Chris Christie...installed his longtime friend Robert Grady to oversee the state pension fund’s investments... Grady was...pushing to entrust up to $1.8 billion of New Jersey pension money to the Blackstone Group... But one...of the private equity funds New Jersey was investing in -- a pool of money called Blackstone Capital Partners VI -- claimed among its investors a Wyoming-based company named Cheyenne Capital. That company's list of partners included one Robert Grady. In short, Grady was pushing to invest New Jersey public money in the same Blackstone fund in which his own firm was investing...

(S)tate rules...aim to protect public funds from being used to grease the wheels for private deals...(T)he mere existence of an arrangement in which the chairman of New Jersey’s State Investment Council was moving state funds into a vehicle his firm was investing in presents a troubling conflict of interest...

The website of Cheyenne Capital lists Grady as a managing director...(and) a partner in the firm. New Jersey financial disclosure forms list Grady as having a personal ownership stake in Cheyenne Capital Fund, which made the investment in Blackstone Capital Partners VI. The forms also say Grady currently earns compensation from the Cheyenne Capital Fund. Yet in the section of his financial disclosure forms asking officials to list “any direct or indirect any contract made or executed by a government,” Grady did not list Blackstone Capital Partners VI, despite Cheyenne and New Jersey's investments in that fund...

In August 2012, Blackstone Capital Partners VI used money from its investors to finance a deal involving Knight Capital Group...(which)...suffered...a computer glitch...(that) sent share prices plummeting on the New York Stock Exchange. The infusion of Blackstone money stopped the bleeding. Blackstone had been joined in its rescue of Knight by another firm, Stifel Financial, which later acquired a piece of Knight's trading and sales operations. Among the members of Stifel's board was Grady, according to corporate documents...
Whatta guy! Generous, considerate, innovative, AND a multi-tasker -- no wonder Christie fell for him. But look at the thanks he gets!
“There is no benefit derived, and there is no conflict,” (Grady) said in an emailed statement...Despite his ownership stake in Cheyenne Capital, he asserted: “I have no economic interest in Cheyenne Capital's investment in Blackstone VI”...(T)he company said in a statement...“Cheyenne Capital agreed with Bob Grady at the outset that he would have no interest in Cheyenne Capital’s investment in Blackstone VI...”

“Whether or not he has a direct piece of the action from this particular investment, he is a partner in the company that is going to benefit from the investment,” said Eileen Appelbaum, an economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research...“If the investment in Blackstone turns out to be profitable, his company is going to benefit from that.”

“...Mr. Grady had an unacceptable conflict of interest that he failed to disclose,” said...Assemblyman John Wisniewski, a Democrat who chairs the New Jersey legislature’s Select Committee on Investigation. “The health of our pension system is of paramount concern not just to (those) who are...or...hope to...collect...their pensions, but also to the entire citizenry of New Jersey who bear an ultimate responsibility to pay those benefits. To find out that the people entrusted with faithfully administering that system are potentially self-dealing for their own benefit is troubling and should be investigated.”
Investigated? Between functioning as a public official in charge of the state pension fund, having a financial interest in TWO different private firms, manipulating New Jersey taxpayer money through them, and collecting compensation from all of them, when is Mr. Grady supposed to find the time to be investigated? Surely he has quite ENOUGH on his plate!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-20-2014 at 04:42 AM..
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Old 10-24-2014, 02:38 AM
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In honor of the premiere of Dave's musical in London, here's a two-act tragedy staged by the Christie troupe:
Corporate Donor To Christie-Led GOP Group Could Get $100M NJ Subsidy

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s administration Tuesday was expected to consider giving more than $100 million in state tax credits to a defense contractor that has made major financial contributions to the Republican political organization Christie chairs. If approved, the tax credits to Lockheed Martin would be similar to other taxpayer subsidies awarded by Christie officials to major GOP donors...

Internal Revenue Service documents show the Lockheed Martin Employees Political Action Committee in 2014 made a $50,000 contribution to the Republican Governors Association, which Christie chairs. The same PAC made a $25,000 contribution to the RGA in 2013, when the organization backed Christie’s re-election campaign. Additionally, IRS documents show Lockheed Martin Corp. made a $25,000 contribution to the RGA in 2013...
Chris Christie Officials Delay $100M Subsidy To GOP Donor

Gov. Chris Christie's New Jersey Economic Development Authority Tuesday abruptly postponed a proposed $100 million subsidy to Lockheed Martin for an unspecified project in Camden. The decision came only hours after revealed prior to the proposed subsidy that Lockheed Martin and its affiliated (political action committee) made large contributions to the Christie-led Republican Governors Association... Announcing the delay of the $100 million subsidy...(a) NJEDA spokeswoman told the Cherry Hill Courier-Post: "As is sometimes the case with projects the EDA board is set to consider, additional materials are needed to move forward."

...Christie has awarded more than $4 billion worth of such subsidies at the same time Christie has said the state cannot meet its pension obligations. That has prompted criticism...
But what's a good tragedy without an epilouge?
Chris Christie: New Jersey Bill Challenges Governor's Subsidies To GOP Donors

New Jersey lawmakers advanced pay-to-play legislation aimed at cracking down on political contributions from corporations receiving state tax subsidies...The...bill is expected to now move to the full Senate for a vote...

Over the last year, New Jersey politics has been roiled by revelations that state contracts have been given to firms whose employees have made major contributions to Republican groups backing Governor Christie's election campaigns. That has included contributions from employees of Wall Street firms hired by Christie's State Investment Council to manage pension money. It has also included contributions from employees of firms receiving tax subsidies from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, which is run by Christie appointees...
Dave was rumored to be working on a musical version of A Bronx Tale. But I guess he figured, "Why bother -- it would NEVER sell!"

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-28-2014 at 07:18 PM..
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Old 10-24-2014, 02:55 AM
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This guy is scum. How did the people of New jersey manage to miss that when they elected him TWICE?

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Old 10-25-2014, 08:14 AM
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The Ebola crisis has come to the New York/New Jersey metropolitan area in the form of a doctor who traveled from West Africa and was diagnosed ten days later. But you'll be happy to know that New York and New Jersey governors Cuomo and Christie have joined forces with the federal Centers For Disease Control to build a strong first line of defense:
(A) new screening system...goes above and beyond the guidelines already set up by federal officials...The patients with the highest level of possible exposure will be automatically quarantined for 21 days at a government-regulated facility...includ(ing) anyone having direct contact with a person infected with Ebola while in Liberia, Guinea, or Sierra Leone. Those with a lower risk will be monitored for temperature and symptoms...(A)nyone flying into a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey airport will need to abide by the new procedures.
Now, if only Christie could get those lazy, overpaid, pension-grubbing healthcare unions to toe the line. Three years ago, they torpedoed a deal that would have allowed a national hospital network to take over a hospital in Jersey City that soon went bankrupt. Which Christie had every right to be unhappy about: the hospital network's charity "wasted" a $25,000 donation to the New Jersey governor's mansion restoration fund!

But since the network got to buy another New Jersey hospital back in August, that's water under the bridge(t), right? Apparently not: those uppity nurses have once again interfered with Christie by trying to contribute some expertise into how New Jersey hospitals should deal with Ebola. Of all the nerve -- I mean, what the heck do a bunch of nurses know?
The state’s largest health-care union wants any confirmed Ebola patient treated at a single designated hospital to both minimize exposure of workers and provide care by expert teams...(T)he Health Professionals and Allied Employees...would also like to see the state order every hospital to drill for encountering the unprecedented illness...(U)nion chief-of-staff Jeanne Otersen said her group wants to have a seat at the table when the state is issuing protocols for handling Ebola so there is consistency from hospital to hospital...

Such a centralized approach would go against current state policy, which has emphasized the need for each of the state’s 72 acute-care hospitals to be ready to treat the deadly virus. And as it stands, the state has simply recommended the drills...
His response? During his monthly radio show, Christie was dismissive of their concerns, saying flatly,
“I’ve generally found the nurses union to be unhelpful."
Well, here's a newsflash, guv -- nurses and other hospital personnel are not in the business of being helpful to you, but to all of us. Our own Richie Sambora worked in a hospital for six weeks, and describes his main job duties as "cleaning up blood, pee and puke." It just so happens that Ebola is SPREAD through infected blood, pee, and puke -- so along with the nurses, you damned well better have some janitors sitting at your protocol table, too!
Christie's Ebola plan: Three hospitals will treat any N.J. cases

Any Ebola patient who ends up in New Jersey will be treated at one of three hospitals in the northern part of the state, Gov. Chris Christie announced...Hackensack University Medical Center...University Hospital in Newark, and Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick.

The new plan was welcomed by healthcare workers, whose representatives had expressed doubt about the wisdom of expecting every local community hospital to cope with the life-and-death protocols of treating patients with a virus never seen here before...

Centralizing the care of Ebola patients in just a few hospitals is a slight change of course for the state, which had previously urged all 72 of New Jersey's acute-care hospitals to prepare for handling Ebola..."Instead of trying to do a little bit of training for a lot of people, it's better to have more intensive training for fewer people," said Ann Twomey, president of the Health Professionals and Allied Employees, a union that represents nurses and other health-care workers...

Her group had urged transferring patients to one centralized hospital that would be highly trained in the care and treatment of Ebola patients...Christie dismissed the suggestion...saying, “I've generally found the nurses union to be unhelpful...”
One hundred and eighty degrees isn't my idea of a "slight" change of course, but it's nice that Christie has finally found the nurses union to be helpful after all!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-27-2014 at 03:42 PM..
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Old 10-27-2014, 07:00 PM
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A big chunk of Christie's Ebola plan has crashed shortly after takeoff.
Originally Posted by rocknation
(A) new screening system...goes above and beyond the guidelines already set up by federal officials...The patients with the highest level of possible exposure will be automatically quarantined for 21 days at a government-regulated facility...includ(ing) anyone having direct contact with a person infected with Ebola while in Liberia, Guinea, or Sierra Leone. Those with a lower risk will be monitored for temperature and symptoms...(A)nyone flying into a Port Authority of New York and New Jersey airport will need to abide by the new procedures.
The flaw in the plan is as big as Christie himself: If it's true that Ebola isn't contagious unless you're displaying its symptoms, surely it would be easier to prevent potentially contagious people from taking Ebola overseas if they had to wait 21 days BEFORE being allowed to fly. Or is the Port Authority in such bad financial shape it can't afford to wait for the plane ticket income?

As for the "government-regulated facilities," the first subject of the policy didn't care for the accommodations:
Dallas News: I am a nurse who has just returned to the U.S. after Sierra Leone...I arrived at the Newark Liberty International Airport...after a grueling two-day journey...I walked up to the immigration official (and) told him that I have traveled from Sierra Leone...

He put on gloves and a mask and called someone. Then he escorted me to the quarantine office...Everyone that came out of the offices was hurrying from room to room in white protective coveralls, gloves, masks, and a disposable face shield. One man...wearing a weapon belt that I could see protruding from his white coveralls barked questions at me as if I was a criminal...

My temperature was taken using a forehead scanner and it read a temperature of 98... Three hours passed. No one seemed to be in charge... An official approached me with a forehead scanner...(which) recorded my temperature as 101...“You have a fever now,”...(a) female officer...said... I explained that...the forehead scanner was recording an elevated temperature because I was flushed and upset.

Eight police cars escorted me to the University Hospital in Newark...I was escorted to a tent that sat outside of the building. The infectious disease and emergency department doctors took my temperature and other vitals and looked puzzled. “Your temperature is 98.6,” they said. “You don't have a fever but we were told you had a fever” ...(T)he(ir) forehead scanner record(ed)...101... “There’s no way you have a fever,” he said. “Your face is just flushed..."

Here's a photo of her -- note the pale skin and reddish hair!

CNN: She's not allowed to have her luggage and was given paper scrubs to wear. Hickox said she has no shower, no flushable toilet and the hospital gave her no television or any reading material. Mostly, she says, she stares at the walls...

On Fox News Sunday morning, Christie said..."I believe that folks who want to take that step and are willing to volunteer also understand that it's in their interest and the public health interest to have a 21-day period thereafter if they've been directly exposed to people with the virus...I don't believe that when you're dealing with a serious situation like this that we can count on a voluntary system; this is the government's job." “My first and foremost obligation is to protect the public health and safety of the people of New Jersey,” Christie said.“And so I’m sorry if in any way she was inconvenienced, but the inconvenience that could occur from having folks who are symptomatic and ill out and amongst the public is a much, much greater concern of mine. This is a difficult situation to deal with and my heart goes out to her because she’s someone who’s been trying to help others.”

The woman tested negative for the Ebola virus, but Christie asserted the nurse is “obviously ill...When I left this morning she still had a fever and she was being tested for other illnesses after the Ebola test came back negative,” Christie said. “She may to be tested for that again because sometimes it takes a little bit longer to make a definitive determination. There’s no question the woman is ill, the question is what is her illness.”

New York Daily News: “First of all, I don't think he (Christie) is a doctor, and second of all, he’s never laid eyes on me..." She said Christie was just wrong when he described her as “obviously ill” when she has no fever or other symptoms of the virus.
As for going "above and beyond the guidelines already set up by federal officials":
Quote: The new measures to prevent an outbreak have been called a “little bit draconian” by...the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who warned of potential consequences of such an approach.“(W)e have to be careful that there aren’t unintended consequences,” (he) told NBC's Meet the Press... The Obama administration says it has conveyed its concerns to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about those states' mandatory Ebola quarantines. The administration is calling the policy "not grounded in science..."

A senior Obama administration official says the policy could undermine efforts to stop Ebola by discouraging medical workers from traveling to West Africa...The official says the government will soon release national guidelines for returning medical workers.
And that isn't the only thing that's due to be released soon!
Daily Mail UK: Chris Christie was forced on Monday to allow a nurse being kept in a tent in a hospital parking lot to go home after intense White House pressure to relax a mandatory 21-day quarantine the New Jersey Governor had imposed at a state level.

The embarrassing turnaround came after Obama chaired a White House meeting on the rules and successfully lobbied Christie's New York counterpart, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, to relax their quarantine rules – even as Americans grow more concerned about the possibility of a pandemic emergency.

Cuomo gave in on behalf of New Yorkers. But as of Sunday Christie was still pushing for more aggressive measures to protect New Jerseyans, saying he had 'no second thoughts' about the policy.

Nurse Kaci Hickox tested negative for Ebola twice, but she had remained in a forced hospital quarantine as of Monday morning...

New York Times:
Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, in a brief interview, said that he expected her to be transferred Monday morning after doctors and federal officials signed off on the plan.

The treatment of the nurse, Kaci Hickox, has drawn withering criticism from both public health officials and the nurse herself...“I’m hopeful that this morning if all goes well we’ll be able to release her and send her back to Maine,” Mr. Christie said...

Her boyfriend...a nursing student...said she had not planned on speaking to the news media but changed her mind after Mr. Christie said on Saturday that she was “obviously ill...”

"...He messed with the wrong redhead," he said...
Way to command respect on the international stage, Governor Soprano!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 01-10-2019 at 10:00 PM..
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Old 10-30-2014, 07:17 PM
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Nurse Kaci Hickcox is now at her home in Maine and following the newest CDC protocols for health personnel, which for her level of risk for allows for visitors and going out as long as she's not showing symptoms.

Meanwhile, Christie is in full wound-licking but blame-deflecting mop-up mode:
NBC News: Christie dismissed complaints about Hickox's treatment as "malarkey" and said he had no concerns about the fact that she was kept in a tent.

"She was inside the hospital in a climate-controlled area with access to her cellphone, access to the Internet and takeout food from the best restaurants in Newark. She was doing just fine," he said...

Christie said that he felt no pressure from the White House to allow Hickox to be transferred out of the New Jersey quarantine, calling reports of clashes between him and the Obama administration “absolutely false...I have a very good relationship with the White House and we work professionally together and I never felt any (pressure)...”
But some good did come of all this -- Nurse Hickcox has taught us that forehead temperature scanners are not reliable. All Ebola protocols should immediately be amended to require that above-normal forehead scanner readings be confirmed with an oral thermometer reading.

Of course, Hickox has only won the battle, not the war. If she should happen to go contagious within the next 15 days, Christie could literally ride her into White House. So we'll adjourn this case for now -- but first, a parting gift:

2017 UPDATE: War winning accomplished!
...Kaci Hickcox...(a) former Maine nurse who was quarantined in New Jersey when she returned to the U.S. from treating Ebola patients in Africa in 2014...(has) settled her lawsuit...

In exchange for dismissal of the complaint filed in federal court in Newark, Gov. Chris Christie’s administration agreed to new rules that will guarantee quarantine only occurs after exposure to the Ebola virus when medically necessary...(and) Hickox dropped her demand for a minimum of $250,000 in compensatory and punitive damages...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 01-10-2019 at 10:15 PM..
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Old 10-31-2014, 06:56 PM
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Since it has been long since established that Christie is a serial intimidator, I haven't felt a need to chronicle every one of his verbal attacks on those who dare to challenge him publicly. But the time has come to make an exception.
"I'll be more than happy to have a debate with you anytime you'd like, guy. Because someone like you doesn't know a damn thing you're talking about except to show up when the cameras are here and show off...So, listen, you want to have that conversation later buddy, I'd be happy to have it. But until that time, sit down and shut up!"
Those remarks were directed toward Spring Lake resident, Waretown restaurant owner, and former Asbury Park city council member Jim Keady, who would just like to know why nearly a nearly a billion dollars in Sandy recovery money is still "sitting in Trenton" while thousands have been waiting for it for nearly two years.

Like I said, Christie has blown off hecklers on camera before. But this is the first time that a heckler has had the cameras pointed at him afterwards.
"There are thousands of families who are sitting, waiting to get in their homes. He's been out of the state 100 days of this term. What if he took 50 of those days and sat in the DCA office (Department of Community Affairs) and got the guy (deputy commissioner) Chuck (Richman) to do his job and got these guys back in their homes?"
Even more significant, Mr. Keady was then interviewed on national television by Al Jazeera and those meanies at MSNBC (who have been picking on him all along, of course). And most significant, a Democratic political action committee has decided to see if Christie's bluffing by filing -- WAIT FOR IT!!! -- an Open Public Records Act (OPRA) request:
At an event commemorating the two-year anniversary of superstorm Sandy on October 29, 2014, Governor Christie claimed “I've been here when the cameras weren’t here and did the work (on Sandy recovery).”

We respectfully request a list of all trips to which Christie was referring - specifically trips to the Jersey Shore to work on Sandy recovery, where no “cameras” – from the media or the Governor’s office – were in attendance to record the event.
Sixty years ago, the reign of one of America's most morally corrupt political leaders began to end when one person dared to ask him in public: Perhaps we're going to end up owing Nurse Hickox an even bigger debt than we thought.

P.S. Mr. Keady might be able to find the answer to his question by calculating two years' worth of interest on 800 million dollars -- interest that no one will notice isn't there.

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-07-2015 at 05:52 PM..
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Old 10-31-2014, 07:33 PM
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Intimidating scum at that...... I just had a friend of the family call me from California and tell me that she saw that "putdown" live on TV. She wanted to know, once again, why the fcuk New Jersey elected this guy?

You write your truth and I'll write mine.

Last edited by Kathleen; 11-01-2014 at 01:21 AM..
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