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Bruce Springsteen Mocks New Jersey Governor

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Old 12-15-2015, 06:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
"He's not a friend of yours, Gov'nor!"

Christie: I'm seeing Bruce Springsteen in Boston
No he certainly isn't - though I think Bruce is at least civil to him. Bruce, at least, has manners LOL

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Old 12-17-2015, 06:43 PM
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The last Republican presidential debate of 2015 was held this week, and Christie needed to "Duplicate Duh Donald" his way back onto the primetime podium:
Quote: ...(T)he president of New Jersey’s Police Benevolent Association spelled out, in great detail, the level of distain that Governor Chris Christie has for Law Enforcement Officers in New Jersey.
“He certainly doesn’t have our backs. He certainly hasn’t been friendly to our position. Our organization, the New Jersey State PBA, has been around since 1896. We’ve had a relationship with every governor since 1896. We have had no relationship with this governor. Besides the fact that he has never met with us, besides the fact that we represent nine out of enforcement officers in the state -- when he got into office he systematically started degrading the law enforcement profession in New Jersey.”
At an event in New Hampshire, where Chris Christie spends most of his time misleading Granite State voters, he took a question from a member of the media, who referred to Mr. Colligan’s critique of the governor’s record. Governor Christie responded by calling him a “pig.”
I accept the fact that being anti-union is part of of being a Republican. But referring to the law enforcement as "pigs?" Really? After the anti-Viet Nam war and black militant protests of the 1960s, that might as well be a racial epithet!

It is also standard operating procedure for Republicans to deny global warming, because exploiting the environment is more profitable than protecting it:
Quote: In an appearance on MSNBC's Morning Joe (talk show)...Christie...was attacking President Obama's attendance of a climate change conference in Paris this week as a misplaced effort...

"We cannot say that our activity doesn't contribute to changing the climate," Christie said. "What I am saying is that it's not a crisis. The climate's been changing forever...I just don't buy the fact that it's a 'crisis'...I just don't see that there's any evidence that it's a crisis."
Oh, he doesn't SEE any evidence -- I guess that explains why he didn't notice when the "second-costliest hurricane in United States history" and "largest Atlantic hurricane on record" made U.S. landfall in New Jersey, and why he's been dragging his feet about paying victims to this day!

(Superstorm) Sandy severely damaged or destroyed some 345,000 New Jersey homes...Senior climate scientist Brenda Ekwurzel...says..."If Hurricane Sandy occurred a century ago, the storm surge would have been eight inches to a foot lower, (which) means (the) storm surge penetrates an extra half a mile inland in some places. It really makes a difference on the amount of flood damage that you incur...

"You're below water if you don't do anything right now for people living that close to the ocean. And if there was another storm like Sandy, a hurricane with storm surge, you're that much more underwater because of climate change. We're talking about 10 to 11 feet of storm surge. That's the first story of your house."

But we mustn't take any stock in Brenda Ekwurzel's expertise or credibility -- she's a member of the "UNION of Concerned Scientists, a non-profit science advocacy organization."

At any rate, mission accomplished -- Christie got enough of a bump in his poll numbers to get back into the prime time national debate spotlight! And he used it brilliantly:
Quote: "On ISIS, let's be clear: The president needs to be a force that's trusted in the world," Christie said, "...I'll tell you this: When I stand across from King Hussein of Jordan, and I say to him, 'You have a friend again, sir, who will stand with you to fight this fight,' he'll change his mind."

King Hussien of Jordan died in 1999.
The current king of Jordan is named Abdullah. But anyone can get names confused, especially if they're foreign and not people with whom you've had an actual relationship.
Quote: In 2010, Christie signed an executive order that allows New Jersey governors to have travel and related expenses paid for by foreign governments...Christie has taken full advantage of his self-regulated privilege...

When Chris Christie traveled with a security detail and multiple members of his family to Israel and Jordan in 2012, he wrapped up his “trade mission” with three parties in Jordan -- two at the king’s residence, one in the desert. While there, the Christie entourage stayed in rooms at luxurious Kempinski hotels...that cost about $30,000, all told. But who’s counting when your bill is forwarded to King Abdullah of Jordan? Which is exactly what happened.
Even I am pretty good at remembering the names of those who pay my bills...

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Old 01-15-2016, 05:02 PM
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Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

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Old 01-31-2016, 10:15 PM
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Happy screw you, I mean, happy new year, from Christieland! Things have been quiet on the legal front due the the Baroni/Kelly Bridge(t)-Gate trials being postponed from September to November to April. And as for Christie's presidential campaign, it was once again interrupted by bad weather in New Jersey. It's a problem he's had since 2010, when a snowstorm failed to interrupt his Florida vacation in Disneyland. He didn't declare a state of emergency this summer because it would have crowded the announcement of his presidential run out of the national headlines. And it was snow, not Bridge(t)-Gate-addled ticket sales, that forced him to cancel his second inaugural dinner!

Asbury Park Press: ...Gov. Chris Christie says he’s not planning to return to New Jersey to oversee preparations as a potential blizzard bears down on the state, though he said he’d shift gears if warranted...“I don’t plan to, but if circumstances warrant, you always do that,” Christie said. “But the lieutenant governor is there, and she's handling things on the ground there, and if I needed to go back I would. But at this point it's too speculative to know.”
Unfortunately, the circumstances changed from a predicted maximum of 18 inches to a predicted minimum of 18 inches!

USA Today: ..."I gotta go home," he said at a town hall Friday. "We've got snow coming."

...Christie said, "If I feel like it's necessary for me to get down there, I will, but I'm not driving a plow truck, OK? ... We have all of our people ready to go. They know what to do. We've been through Hurricane Sandy, this Cabinet, so 6, 8, 10, 12 inches of snow on a weekend will not be something that I think will be more than we can handle..."
At least he's learned to be practical enough to leave himself some wiggle room, and he tweeted that his wife would be staying on in Iowa. Hey, maybe he's finally beginning to get the hang of this job!

Quote: Christie...(was) questione(d) at his latest town hall — the same event he was forced to postpone when he cut his six-day campaign trip to the state short because of the snowstorm — on his return to the campaign trail...(by) a young woman, telling Christie she was asking on behalf of family and friends in New Jersey.

Christie, calm, shot back: "Well, because it's already done. It's already done."

"Okay," she responded, sheepishly.

Christie pressed further. "Tell me why you think it isn't?...There's been one county that's flooded in the I don't know where from 'all over the state...Second, I don't know what you want me to do, you want me to go down there with a mop?"
Another heckler vanquished, though the video indicates no aggression, derision, or sheepishness involved. Oh, and about that fantasy of hers that more than more county was flooded:

Quote: "There is no residual damage, there is no flooding damage," the governor snarled when a reporter asked why he was back in New Hampshire so soon.
I imagine that there some was snarling going on at the Jersey Shore's other counties as well:

But it isn't as though payment for the damage will have to come out of New Jersey's budget. All Christie has to do is request federal funding from president Obama -- you know, that guy he described as a petulant child and a feckless weakling and whose backside he vowed to kick out the U.S. White House in the fall though he's leaving anyway?

IfYouOnlyNews: Given the strength of the storm, there’s a possibility of Christie having to ask President Obama for some federal money to help with cleanup. This is a normal function of government and not remotely contentious...(but) you can bet his 2016 GOP opponents giving him hell should Christie be forced to do so...Can you say awkward?
But lest you conclude that Christie doesn't care about his constituents at all:
Bipartisan Report: In a town hall in New Hampshire, (Republican presidental candidate) Marco Rubio jokes: "In Washington right now, they are being buried in this snow blizzard. Which means that federal agencies were not able to work all day yesterday at issuing new regulations."

Christie heard this and slammed Rubio: "...That's the difference between a United States senator that’s never been responsible for anything and a governor that is responsible for everything that goes on in your state...He has never had to make a decision of any consequence of all that he has ever had to be held responsible for...(I)n the United States Senate...sitting where they tell you to sit, coming when they tell you to come, leaving when they tell you to leave, sounds like school to me."
Well, if responsibility is something you embrace only when it works to your advantage, but shun whenever it tries to hold you accountable, it doesn't matter if your job is a president, governor, or ditch digger. Sounds like a schoolyard bully to me, Governor Snow-prano!

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Last edited by rocknation; 07-15-2016 at 04:11 AM..
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Old 02-28-2016, 04:22 PM
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Default The first post-presidential edition of the Crew Christie Chronicles UPDATED

Christie officially pulled out of the Republican primary race last week after being unable to pull his voter approval numbers out of the single digits. To make matters worse, Jeb Bush has pulled out too, and as a protege of the Bush family, Christie was pretty much assured a consolation prize of the vice presidency, chief of staff, or attorney general if Jeb had done well.

During Christie's absence, the Bridge(t)-Gate legal bill has managed to hit $13 million New Jersey taxpayer dollars. With nothing but a indictment to look forward to (his New Jersey DIS-approval ratings are approaching TRIPLE digits), what could he possibly do to salvage his political future?

Quote: Christie shocked the political world by throwing his support behind his former GOP rival at a Trump rally in Texas. Christie immediately traveled with Trump to campaign stops after the announcement. And he continued his attacks on Rubio, possibly Trump's closest competitor for the Republican nomination.

"Going back to New Jersey, he's got no future," a political science professor (says). "This is a hard-boiled calculation (that) Trump will be the nominee, and (that) he will remember this early, critical endorsement."

"This is the best move for him," (says another) political science professor..."He hates Marco Rubio..."I think Rubio is going to wet his pants. Rubio is terrified of Christie. He's more terrified of Christie than he is of Trump."
Sure, Christie was describing Trump as "unfit" to be president just weeks ago. But why not let bygones be bygones when you could get a vice president, chief of staff, or attorney general position out of it? After all, in addition to moral support, Christie has no doubt bolstered Trump's efforts by turning over his election resources to him as well.

Quote: ...Just two weeks ago, Christie was on a GOP debate stage in Manchester, N.H. savaging Rubio as an automaton who endlessly produced the same 25 second soundbite. The junior senator "simply does not have the experience to be president of the United States," Christie said.

But on Sunday afternoon, Christie supporters heard from none other than Rubio. Those who supported the governor are now getting messages from Rubio, who was Christie's prime target during the New Hampshire primary...

(A) spokeswoman for Christie's campaign...confirmed the decision to sell the e-mail list to Rubio...(but said it) was "no endorsement" and that "it is standard practice for other campaigns to buy lists. Anyone can rent/buy the list via the vendor."
Anyone except a direct competitor, you would think -- THAT'S Christie's idea of being a supportive, dedicated, loyal team player? I thought Bernie Sanders was the socialist candidate!

Meg Whitman, the CEO of Hewlett-Packard...served in the role of National Finance Co-Chair for Christie's campaign...Here's her...statement:
"Chris Christie's endorsement of Donald Trump is an astonishing display of political opportunism. Donald Trump is unfit to be President. He...would take America on a dangerous journey. Christie knows all that and indicated as much many times publicly. The Governor is mistaken if he believes he can now count on my support, and I call on Christie's donors and supporters to reject the Governor and Donald Trump outright. I believe they will..."

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

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Old 02-29-2016, 12:36 PM
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Christie is a tramp like us!

Chris Christie: Wannabe Celebrity

The thing to remember about Christie—the reason his idol Bruce Springsteen’s repeated rejection hurt so much, I think—is that the New Jersey governor considers himself a celebrity and, as a result, feels entitled to the celebrity’s lifestyle. As Jason Fagone noted on Twitter, Matt Katz’s book on Christie contains the following rather revealing quote in a section during which, among other things, it is revealed that Christie crashed at Jon Bon Jovi’s house one night and texted Bono after news broke that the Irish rocker got into an accident:

I’ve never had trouble making friends, of any kind, in my life. … For people who are important to me in my life, I pay attention to them. … Now that I’m a celebrity, celebrities are no different than anyone else.


Trump can give Christie everything that the larger-than-life governor thinks he is entitled to: luxurious accommodations, travel worthy of the Davos set, and a reflection of glory. “Donald Trump is a celebrity—just like me!” Christie almost certainly thinks to himself. “Who is this Rubio punk? Why are his donors backing him and not me? Don’t they know who I am? Don’t they know who I have in my rolodex? Has Rubio ever taken a phone call from Bono? Slept on Richie Sambora’s couch? High-fived an NFL owner in that owner’s box?”
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Old 03-01-2016, 01:50 AM
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Christie is a prostitute - he gets payed.

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Old 03-01-2016, 04:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Old Joysey View Post
Christie is a tramp like us!
Thanks very much for posting this here, because it brings this thread full circle:
Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
At the December 2012 Hurricane Sandy benefit, Bruce gave a warm, sincere welcome to one of his "biggest" fans, New Jersey governor Chris "Governor Soprano" Christie:

Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
This thread was supposed to be nothing more than some posts...about Bruce Springsteen making fun of Chris Christie's corruption problems -- here's a pic and video, ha ha, thank you and good night...

I now declare this thread to be..."bricks in a wall" of reasons why Bruce was right in having the common sense (and moral courage) to publicly shun Christie...
Why Bruce has always shunned Christie should be a matter of common sense: either Christie isn't at all familar with Bruce's lyrics, or he is incapable of comprehending them. How can Christie fist-pump to Bruce's music with one hand while signing anti- working and middle-class policies with the other? Well, now we have the answer: To Christie, it doesn't matter what Bruce (or anybody else) does as long as they are famous -- because he's famous himself.

That's why he doesn't worry about how it looks to use Bon Jovi music -- and accept a campaign contribution from Jon -- while Jon is raising money for the opposing political party (link). That's why he defended the honor of a NFL football coach by describing a reporter who dared to ask a tough question as an "idiot." And that's why he has accepted the position of Trump campaign enforcer less than two weeks after declaring Trump unfit for presidential office.

Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
Christie is a prostitute - he gets payed.
No doubt "payment" for Christie's services has been arranged in the form of a spot in the Trump administration, but as an act of prostitution? Prostitutes stay in business by knowing and keeping their place in the social/moral structure. Christie (and Trump, of course) are actually vulgarians: self-pimping prostitutes who equate their fame and fortune with social and moral ascendancy. Nothing they do is illegal, immoral, unethical or even irrational -- they're too rich and famous to be held accountable by us mere "little people"!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 07-05-2017 at 03:13 PM..
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Old 03-01-2016, 01:25 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
No doubt "payment" for Christie's services has been arranged in the form of a spot in the Trump administration,
Last night a serious French TV news bulletin showed Trump and Christie at some event and commented that the rumor says that Christie would be vice-president if... HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL P!!!
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Old 03-02-2016, 01:40 AM
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That is really painful to contemplate.....ugh.

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