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Old 09-01-2014, 04:42 AM
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We've heard very little about the state-level investigation since the federal investigation started -- that's because, as it turns out, they've been told by the federal investigators not to call any more "major" witnesses:
Those on the "do not call to testify" list include Gov. Chris Christie's chief political adviser, Michael DuHaime, who had several conversations with Christie and Port Authority figures as the controversy grew late last year, and Mark Sokolich, the mayor of Fort Lee, where the lane closures occurred. In fact, the list of those whom the committee has been asked not to subpoena is so long that "no one of note" can currently be called to testify...
As long as the state panel contains a member who has been implicated in the scandal, there's not much it can do anyway, since there may be a spy in the enemy camp. But it looks like they've found something to do:
...(T)he (state) investigative panel is issuing a subpoena for records of all calls and text messages between Christie and...Regina Egea...(who) was the governor’s liaison to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which controls the bridge.

Egea told the panel last month that she had texted Christie following a hearing in December at which Port Authority workers refuted what was then the official explanation for the closures, to conduct a traffic study...also reveal[ing] they were told by a Port Authority official appointed by Christie not to alert Fort Lee officials to the closures in advance. That text, however, was not turned over to the legislative panel investigating the closures. Egea said at last month’s hearing she deleted it — an unusual move, as New Jersey law requires officials to maintain records of such communications.

Democratic assemblyman John S. Wisniewski, the co-chairman of the legislative committee...said...“It’s a curious occurrence where two high-profile figures simultaneously delete the same text message. It could be nothing, but it seems curious because a whole lot of other things weren’t deleted..."
So it looks like one panel's minor witness can be another panel's major one, LOL!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 09-01-2014 at 08:41 PM..
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Old 09-01-2014, 07:00 PM
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The state worker pension money that Christie screwed up has been tallied:
Gov. Chris Christie's administration openly acknowledged that more New Jersey taxpayer dollars were going to land in the coffers of major financial institutions...(He)...installed a longtime private equity executive, Robert Grady...(who) promoted a plan to put more of those funds into riskier investments managed by Wall Street firms. Though this would entail higher fees, Grady said the strategy would "maximize returns while appropriately managing risk..."

...New Jersey is now paying a quarter-billion dollars in additional annual fees to Wall Street firms -- many of whose employees have financially supported Republican groups backing Christie's reelection campaign...The state has sent more pension money to big-name Wall Street firms like Blackstone, Third Point, Omega Advisors, Elliott Associates and Grady's old firm, The Carlyle Group...

Grady was not only changing New Jersey's portfolio in ways that benefited many of the donor firms, he was also in close contact with Christie campaign fundraisers. Grady...still maintains an ownership stake in private equity funds managed by (The Carlyle Group), according to New Jersey financial disclosure documents...Grady recused himself from the final votes on...$450 million worth of New Jersey pension investments since Christie took office...and he told IBTimes that pension business was not discussed during his communication with Christie’s campaign.
Ah yes, kickbacks, smarmy connections, recusals, conflicts of interest -- same as it ever was. But how does this all translate into what it means for those of us who voted us in?
...Between fiscal year 2011 and 2014, the state's pension trailed the median returns for similarly sized public pension systems throughout the country, according to data from (a) financial analysis firm...That below-median performance has cost New Jersey taxpayers billions in unrealized gains and has left the pension system on shaky ground...

Those who originally opposed the state's shifting of pension funds into hedge funds, private equity, venture capital, real estate and other “alternative investments” see the below-average returns as no accident but an inevitable byproduct of the strategy: The Christie administration has effectively taken money from retired state workers and delivered the cash to Wall Street money managers...

Had New Jersey’s pension system simply matched the median rate of return, the state would have reaped roughly $3.8 billion more than it did between fiscal years 2011 and 2014, says pension consultant Chris Tobe. Those unrealized gains represent more than New Jersey’s annual budget for its entire higher education system, and more than 10 times what the state spends each year on environmental protection. It is also more than enough to cover the required pension payment that Christie cut. To make up for that $3.8 billion return-on-investment gap, every household in the state would have to cough up roughly $1,200.
When this happens in countries not run by white males, it's called treasury looting. THIS is the act he's trying to take to the White House?

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 09-23-2014 at 07:12 PM..
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Old 09-04-2014, 10:38 PM
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Default On the second day of Bridge(t)-Gate my boss said to me..."Shut up!"

While the state investigative panel hasn't had much to do until lately, their staff attorney has been keeping busy:
On the second day of the George Washington Bridge lane closures last year...Port Authority police officer...Steve Pisciotta...picked up his radio. The traffic was creating “hazardous conditions” in Fort Lee, he told fellow officers...and the lanes needed to be re-opened. “Shut up,”...Port Authority police supervisor...(and) Deputy Inspector Darcy Licorish...allegedly replied, instructing the officer not to discuss the apparently secret operation over an open radio channel...Port Authority Police Lieutenant Thomas “Chip” Michaels...and a police sergeant then “visited (Pisciotta) in person at his post to tell him that his radio communication had been inappropriate...”

That one of nearly a dozen accounts provided by an attorney representing rank-and-file police officers and given privately to lawmakers investigating the lane closures..The...officers...many (of whom) have already been interviewed by federal investigators...share common threads and provide vivid new details about how the operation was put into effect on a Monday morning last September...

The instructions about the new lane configuration, many of them said, were delivered at roll call before the morning rush hour on the first day by Michaels, who grew up with Governor Christie...He told the officers not to touch the traffic cones choking the number of access lanes out of Fort Lee from three down to one...Later that morning, officers said they saw Michaels driving David Wildstein — the Port Authority executive who ordered the closures and also grew up with Christie — around Fort Lee’s gridlocked streets...
If the PA cops who would be patrolling the bridge were formally notified that the lanes were being closed off, why would it be "inappropriate" to discuss it among themselves? More important, how can it be possibly be defined as a "secret?" From the summary (6-page PDF):
On Thursday, September 12, (PA police officer Ray) Rodriguez (made) a pre-planned court appearance in Fort Lee. Rodriguez entered the court building through a restricted entrance for police and staff...(and) shared an elevator with a man on a cell phone who was saying that he had spoken to the Christie administration and that no one knew what was going on. He also said he had spoken to PA police union president Paul Nunziato, who likewise did not know what was going on. Afterwards, Rodriguez identified the man on the cell phone as (Fort Lee) Mayor Mark Sokolich, based on his later appearances in news coverage of the lane closures.
During morning rush hour traffic, (PA police officer) Rajiv Sama('s) normal station is “Post 10,” which is the post that monitors Fort Lee’s three access lanes. Sama is typically the officer who puts the cones out each morning to segregate Fort Lee traffic from other Bridge traffic.

On September 9, 2013, however, Lt. Michaels instructed Sama during morning roll call that the lanes had already been coned off and that he was not to touch the(m)...When Sama later saw the new cone configuration, he noticed the cones were physically touching each other and immediately realized the lane reduction would create “a nightmare.” Sama would say Lt. Michaels instructed him that for that day and the rest of the week he was not to report to Post 10 but, the corner of Central Avenue and Bruce Reynolds Boulevard...(to) help manage traffic...(which he) described “horrific.” To Sama’s knowledge, no one was assigned to replace him at Post 10.
(PA police officer Angela) Tait was present with (officer Steve) Pisciotta when he made his radio request to remove the cones and reopen the Fort Lee lanes. She was also present when Lt. Michaels and Sgt. Rhem visited Pisciotta in person and instructed him not to further discuss the closures on air. Tait believes Dep. Insp. Licorish also gave a similar command in person...

Tait recalls telling upset motorists that they should call Mayor Sokolich’s office to complain...because she believed that if Mayor Sokolich personally called the Port Authority, the matter would be resolved relatively quickly...(not) because she thought the lane closures had political overtones.

For the rest of the week, Tait was assigned to the New York side of the Bridge...
So I guess the next step is to find out who ordered the cones, who set them out, and who paid them to do it? Coming soon: Michaels' and Licorish's sides of the story.

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 09-07-2014 at 07:29 PM.. Reason: typo
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Old 09-05-2014, 03:43 AM
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The above posts are so depressing all I can think of to say is: you just can't make this shit up - even if you tried very, very hard.

You write your truth and I'll write mine.
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Old 09-05-2014, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Kathleen View Post
The above posts are so depressing all I can think of to say is: you just can't make this shit up - even if you tried very, very hard.
Earlier today, the former governor of Virginia and his wife were convicted of 20 corruption crimes between them. He turned down a deal where his wife would be freed if he pleaded guilty to only one crime. Now they're looking at around 20 years each, 85% of which they'll have to serve just to qualify for parole.

And about two weeks ago, the Feds indicted the governor of Texas for abuse of power. He tried to cut off funding to -- WAIT FOR IT! -- the prosecutors who specialize in investigating state-level corruption!

So far, the Feds have Christie dead to rights on participating in the Bridge(t)-Gate coverup, and on allowing Dave Samson to run the Port Authority along with a law firm whose clients did business with the Port Authority. So I hope no one has any bright ideas about holding the Feds hostage for an immunity deal!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 01-17-2016 at 08:09 AM..
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Old 09-07-2014, 04:43 AM
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This week, Chris Christie got to celebrate his birthday with a seventh downgrading of New Jersey's state credit bond rating, starting a record for one New Jersey governor. He also got a present of sorts from his old friend Port Authority Police Lt. Thomas "Chip" Micheals, who did his best to blame everything on Wildstein when interviewed by the legislative committee's attorney:
As...Patrol Supervisor for the Port Authority Police Department...Lt. Michaels creates roll calls and assigns patrol officers to shifts...In January 2014, Lt. Michaels was briefly moved to the staff lieutenant position at the George Washington Bridge...He has recently moved back to the patrol supervisor position.

In September 2013...Lt. Michaels report(ed) to...Darcy Licorish...(a) Deputy Inspector and Port Authority Police Department commander for the GWB...Lt. Michaels was familiar with the George Washington Bridge general manager Robert Durando...with whom he did not regularly interact.

Lt. Michaels...and Wildstein both grew up in Livingston, N.J...Michaels’ brother Jeff Michaels, is active in New Jersey politics and developed a relationship with Wildstein through their shared political connections...Lt. Michaels coached one of the Governor’s sons on a youth hockey team. (He) had occasional interactions with Gov. Christie at the hockey rink, “shop talk...”

(I)n the week leading up to the Fort Lee lane closures...Wildstein (called and asked) what would happen if Fort Lee’s lanes were reduced from three down to one, and Lt. Michaels explained it would create “a f***ing disaster...” Michaels said he did not at the time think much of the call. However, he remembered mentioning it in passing to his brother, Jeff...

On Sunday, September 8, 2013, a civilian Port Authority employee asked Lt. Michaels if he was ready for the “new traffic pattern.” (He) did not recall which employee posed the question, but did not believe it was Durando. Lt. Michaels said Port Authority staff were preparing to change the cone line that evening... (He) sent Deputy Inspector Licorish an email at 12:19 p.m. on September 8... Licorish confirmed that maintenance personnel would implement a new traffic pattern.

On the morning of September 9, 2013, Lt. Michaels reported to work at his scheduled time of 5:00 a.m....When Lt. Michaels arrived at the communications desk, he found Wildstein observing bridge traffic through video monitors. Lt. Michaels could not recall who first suggested it, but he agreed to give Wildstein a ride into Fort Lee in order to observe the traffic directly...

(He) asked Licorish if anyone had informed the Fort Lee Police Department about the traffic re-alignment, and Licorish replied that he had not. Lt. Michaels then called FLPD Chief Bendul...(who) complained that the closures were “killing me” and asked that the Port Authority “open the f***ing lanes...”
I thought the police were trained to be good at observing and remembering minute details, especially when they don't quite fit. Michaels has no idea who told him there was going to be lane closure? He thought Wildstein's question was weird, but thought nothing of discussing it with his brother? He can't remember whether he drove Wildstein around at his invitation or at Wildstein's request? Did he contact the Fort Lee police with Licorish's knowledge, at Licorsh's order, or out the goodness of his heart? And if Wildstein should be seen as at fault, how does Michaels explain this?
About a month after the lane closures, Lt. Michaels...received another telephone call from Wildstein, who asked how many toll lanes are on the GWB upper deck, how many were E-ZPass lanes, and how many toll lanes were on the lower deck...the conversation made him question how Wildstein could have organized or directed a traffic study if he did not have such basic information...

Lt. Michaels initially thought Wildstein must have been fairly sharp and capable if he represented Gov. Christie at the Port Authority...(H)e concluded that Wildstein’s “ego was too big.”
Well, that would mean that somebody else organized it, wouldn't it? And wouldn't that somebody else most likely be the person who gave Wildstein his job? That's why Michaels was given a desk job this January -- and here I was thinking it was to shield him from all the Bridge(t)-Gate media attention!

Next up: What Chip's boss has to say...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 11-20-2014 at 04:38 AM..
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Old 09-11-2014, 05:52 AM
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This week marks the first anniversary of the Fort Lee lane closures, which Christie decided to distract from -- I mean, celebrate -- by trying to make sports betting at racetrack and casinos legal:
Mr. Christie’s move was unexpected; as recently as a month ago, he vetoed legislation that would have similarly repealed the prohibition on sports betting at casinos and racetracks.

The governor’s office said the prohibition would be lifted “effective today,” but it also sought approval from a judge who had earlier blocked sports betting, creating confusion about what would be allowed, and when.

The state’s racetracks and casinos seemed to be caught off guard by the announcement — as were federal officials and the professional sports leagues who have been fighting the Christie administration in court — and said that they had no plans to begin offering sports betting...

A spokeswoman for the United States attorney, Paul J. Fishman, said his office had no advance notice of the governor’s directive or his request to the court, which is unusual in litigation that has played out for several years...
Considering that Fishman is heading the New Jersey federal investigation of Bridge(t)-Gate, it's not that surprising that Christie is trying an end run. Here's hoping that the descretionary savings of NJ's cash-strapped gamblers can help make up for his budget deficit -- especially since another Atlantic City casino may be closing and New Jersey's credit has been downgraded for a record eighth time on Christie's watch!

And here's the state legislative committee attorney interview with Port Authority Police Deputy Inspector Darcy Licorish. To be perfectly honest, it's pretty dull going, but the plot picks up once you get past the middle:
...Licorish sent an email summary to Chief Louis Koumoutsos which described the events leading up to and during the lane closures. Licorish said he prepared the summary on his own initiative and as part of his standard responsibility to “report things of importance.” Licorish stated nobody asked him to produce the summary. He said the only response he received came from (his direct superior Assistant Chief Gloria) Frank, who simply noted receipt of the email.
And it does deliver a surprise ending:
Licorish would later learn that the re-opening of the lanes had been directed by (New York PA director and Bridge(t)-Gate whistleblower Patrick) Foye, but was unsure if he was aware of this at the time...

Licorish said that, during his time at the PAPD, he has seen other traffic studies conducted. Typically, he said, such studies involve posted monitors who monitor and record traffic volumes using handheld clickers. During the week of September 9-13, 2013, he did not observe any traffic monitors or data collectors in or around the GWB.
It was part of Licorish's standard responsibility to report things of importance? Why would he consider it "important" to inform his superiors about a traffic study that they should have told HIM about? The purpose of Licorish's email was to cover his ass, because he KNEW something was going on that shouldn't have been!

P.S. As of the end of August, Christie's self-exoneration bill, which New Jersey taxpayers are still footing, now stands at more than seven million dollars.

P.P.S. It's come out that Christie's lieutenant governor Kim Guadagno was subpoenaed by the state attorney general in July. She's the one who said:
"(Hoboken) Mayor Zimmer’s version of our conversation in May of 2013 is not only false, it is illogical and does not withstand scrutiny when all of the facts are examined."
when she could have said: "Mayor Zimmer is lying."

Which might explain why she's recently signed a law requiring all New Jersey high school students to be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) -- the way things are going for Crew Christie, they should expect a spike in cardiac distress episodes!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 10-17-2014 at 05:42 AM..
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Old 09-19-2014, 05:22 AM
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Another one of those amazing Christie coincidences!

9/18/14 1:04PM ET
Bloomberg:com: Christie Says He’s ‘Growing Tired’ of Bridge Investigation

Governor Chris Christie said he’s “growing tired” of the New Jersey legislature’s investigation into politically motivated traffic tie-ups at the George Washington Bridge a year ago.

Speaking today in Trenton...(he) said Assemblyman John Wisniewski...(and) Democrats who control the legislature and the panel probing the scandal are “addicted to MSNBC” and are leaking information for publicity...Christie decried the leaks, especially records of interviews his administration conducted with lawyers that were disseminated this month when he was traveling in Mexico.

“The fact is that they’ve been digging around for eight months now and have found absolutely nothing,” Christie, 52, told reporters in his State House office. “Wrap up your work. Do your job.”

The closings also are being investigated by U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman...
6:39 PM ET, 7:58PM ET, NBC New York:
After 9 Months, Federal Probe of GWB Closure Finds No Link to Christie, Federal Sources Say

The U.S. Justice Department investigation into New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s role in “Bridgegate” has thus far uncovered no information he either knew in advance or directed the closure of traffic lanes on the George Washington Bridge, federal officials tell NBC 4 New York.

Federal officials caution that the investigation begun nine months ago is ongoing and that no final determination has been made but say that...authorities have uncovered no information Christie either knew in advance or ordered the closure of traffic lanes.

“My experience with federal law enforcement is that once you reach critical mass if you don’t have it within nine months or so you’re not likely to ever get it,” (said) former federal prosecutor Robert W. Ray...who had no involvement in any of the probes into the bridge closure...
In case you've forgotten, here's why Christie feels that MSNBC is picking on him:

Maddow Catches Chris Christie In MAJOR Story Change/Contradiction
Since the NBC network has been so mean about leaking stories unfavorable to Crew Christie, I suppose it's only fair that an anonymous "federal official" (Christie used to be a federal attorney) with favorable news to leak would beat a path to their door. We don't know who these federal officials are -- how far up the ladder are they? Are they connected to lead investigator Paul Fishman? Are they connected to the investigation at all? The only direct quotes are from a former federal prosecutor and a think tanker. And the second story admits that investigations have not ended: there's more on Christie's plate than Bridge(t)-Gate. So why is this "news" at all?

In American sports, there's a psychological tactic known as "working the refs," where coaches complain about minor referee calls aggressively in hopes of intimidating them into making major calls in their favor just to keep them quiet. Christie is hoping that if he huffs and puffs loudly enough, people (especially Rachel Maddow) will start backing off. Come to think of it, HOW does Christie know that investigators have found nothing -- because they told him so, because he's innocent, or because knows he's destroyed any evidence that points at him?

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 06-02-2020 at 09:10 PM..
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Old 09-22-2014, 07:00 AM
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Christie has lost an OPRA ruling. That stands for Open Public Records Act, which deals with citizen and media requests for copies of government documents, including mail and email correspondence. It also mandates that all online state government business be conducted on state government e-mail servers -- using Yahoo and Gmail is illegal, which is what Kelley and Wildstein did.
New Jersey Superior Court Judge Mary Jacobson...who handles most OPRA cases involving the state government, ruled that the state violated the OPRA law by refusing to provide documents requested by The (Bergen) Record (newspaper) in its coverage of the George Washington Bridge lane closure scandal. In addition, the judge granted an award of attorney fees to The Record...
Well, we know how good Christie is at paying attorney fees, aren't we? He's made the firm of Gibson Dunn Crutcher seven million dollars richer -- less what they donated to Christie's Republican Governor's Association. Here's hoping that when The Record's attorneys receive their fees from Christie, they'll remember to do the same!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 01-09-2015 at 01:48 AM..
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Old 09-28-2014, 04:58 AM
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Default Christie-Lit!

There's certainly enough available on Chris Christie to fill a book, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that someone has done exactly that. And this particular someone was a New Jersey mayor who escaped Christie's partisan political dragnet, but not without cost:

In his searing tell-all Ruthless Ambition: The Rise and Fall of Chris Christie, former New Jersey State Assemblyman Louis Manzo recounts an extraordinary tale of political ruthlessness, corruption, and greed while also telling the story of how he was caught in the center of one of the most egregious political scandals in modern-day history: the Bid Rig III sting operation, masterminded by the then United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey and soon-to-be Governor Chris Christie. Manzo shows us how the blind ambitions of Christie and his staff centered on capturing a governorship and the patronage jobs that accompany it, then parlaying that office into a shot at the presidency.
For a bigger picture of Bid Rig, there's The Jersey Sting: Chris Christie and the Most Brazen Case of Jersey-Style Corruption Ever. It involved "three mayors, five Orthodox rabbis, two state legislators...a (former) stripper...(and)...Solomon Dwek, who perpetrated a $50 million Ponzi scheme before copping a plea and wearing a wire as a secret FBI informant." Strangely, though, it didn't involve a lot of fellow Republicans...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 03-07-2016 at 11:46 PM..
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