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Old 03-01-2015, 07:59 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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Join Date: 30 Jul 2002
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I actually had a GREAT time. I was so surprised. Everyone who showed up was NICE. They were NOT nice in high school. I guess you give someone 20 years, an education, and a few kids and they CAN grow up.

It was kind of funny, one girl who was a real witch when we were teens saw me and said, "You changed your hair!" I smiled and said, "Yeah." I was thinking, "It's been 22 years... of course I've changed my hair!"

Kelly said she was faking being nice at first but by the time we left she was being nice for real. The only reason we left when we did is that my boyfriend is a preacher so he has to work on Sunday mornings.
Life is short. Be sure to spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing about politics and entertainment.
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