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The "Share Something Positive" Thread

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Old 07-20-2016, 12:56 AM
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Default The "Share Something Positive" Thread

Every day we wake up to more bad news, terrorism, violence, racial tensions, politics.... the world has gone mad. This thread is for us to share positive things. It can be about yourself or someone else or something in the world. Just take the time to share something positive and let's make each other feel good for a minute.

I'll start.

I have a friend who is in the hospital with pancreatitis. She's been in ICU and was near death. Her blood sugar got up to 1870 (normal is 120). She's in a regular room now. She recognized me and JoAnn when we went in her room and she was happy to see us and we were able to talk to her about 30 minutes. She's improved so much from where she was!

I saw my former college roommate Sonya today. She wanted one of my stepsister's kittens. So she brought her kids to my house to get one. Her kids had never met me before. They asked Sonya why there were so many dogs when they drove up and Sonya said, "That's what Becky does--she saves animals." Then they came in and saw the cats. Before they left one of her boys shook my hand and told me I was the best person he'd ever met because I "save animals" and the other told me he wanted an exact replica of my house and to have as many cats as I do. That made me feel really good because I've been working on my house all summer, painting and redecorating. Also today, I took my vacuum cleaner attachment to get it fixed and it didn't cost me anything! So now I can vacuum again. I don't have to sweep every day! Hey, if you did as much housework as me, you'd know this is a big thing.

Okay, please play along and share something positive. I'm sick of bad news all the time.
Life is short. Be sure to spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing about politics and entertainment.
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Old 07-20-2016, 02:01 AM
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Black Lives Matter protest in Wichita changed to cookout with police
Black Lives Matter protesters had planned to march on Sunday, but after organizers met with Chief Ramsay for hours, according to the protesters, they agreed to break bread together instead.

The goal was to open communication and build trust between police and the communities they serve. The crowd at the cookout included people who were white, black and Hispanic...

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...
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Old 07-24-2016, 02:34 AM
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Virginia Governor Bypasses Court Ruling To Help 200,000 Ex-Felons Vote
(T)he Supreme Court of Virginia (USA) stripped away the voting rights from 200,000 ex-offenders who had recently regained full civil rights through one of (Virginia governor Terry) McAuliffe’s executive orders...

But just hours after the decision, McAuliffe vowed to push back by signing clemency grants for...all 206,000 (of) the state’s ex-offenders one by one...before the October deadline...

(T)he vast majority of those impacted — 80 percent — committed non-violent crimes. Most have been out of prison for more than a decade...

If you've served your time, completed your probation or parole, made any restitution, and stayed out of additional trouble, that's fine by me!

Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...

Last edited by rocknation; 07-24-2016 at 07:00 PM..
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Old 10-30-2016, 03:26 AM
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Babies in intensive care get the best Halloween costumes

Over 30 premature babies in a Kansas City NICU were treated to a very special Halloween.

The newborns were outfitted with handmade costumes and then treated to memorable photoshoots with three volunteer photographers – all of whom gave birth to premature babies.

The March of Dimes and Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City, MO teamed up for the special occasion. March of Dimes volunteers and hospital nurses made the tiny costumes, most of which were superhero-themed.

"Families in the NICU may spend weeks or months here, and it can be an emotional time," ...(wrote) Jennifer Hamblin Robinson, marketing and communications manager for March of Dimes...


Remember how we used to talk about busting out? We'd break their hearts together...forever...

You and me and our old friends / hoping it would never end / holding on to never say goodbye...
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Old 11-10-2016, 01:38 AM
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It's less than 7 weeks until Christmas!
Life is short. Be sure to spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing about politics and entertainment.
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