Thread: Dear Americans,
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Old 10-15-2015, 01:33 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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What I wan to know is how the Democrats are going to provide all this free stuff and how are they going to provide it to people like me--the working poor? I get taxed to death as it is and get NO BREAKS for anything. My health insurance costs are ridiculous. I'd love to have free healthcare.... but who is going to pay for it? Someone has to. My medical costs are already marked up 1000% to pay for those who don't pay for anything. There isn't a magic fairy who's just going to bestow free everything to everybody. It all falls back on the taxpayers and that's me because even the Democrats are in the pockets of big business when you get right down to it. They have to have campaign funds like everyone else.

I like a lot of what Bernie has to say.... but how the HELL is he going to make it work in real life??
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