Thread: Dear Americans,
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Old 06-29-2016, 12:00 AM
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Becky Becky is offline
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Okay, let's get down to the nitty gritty... which candidate is most likely to actually DO SOMETHING about healthcare costs? IN REALITY.

Today, I left my house and went to the doctor. They told me I owed them $202 because I had a balance and had to pay for today's visit as well. This is with F****** insurance. I said, "I don't understand why it's so high. I have a $25 co-pay." They said I haven't met my deductible. Well, at every other doctor I see, I only pay $25, so what's their problem. Then I see my doctor for 4 F***ing minutes. For $202.

I come home and call up the people that I'm paying off the MRI I had in January 2015 to make my monthly $25 payments on the 2 accounts I still owe on that SOB. Well, guess what... now I have a 3rd account because I went to the clinic at some point in the last few months. So I have to pay $75 since I have 3 accounts now. So, I'm out $277 so far.

Then I go to the pharmacy to get my prescriptions and find out that insurance is no longer covering my antidepressant like they were before and it's now going to cost me $70 a month for a single prescription WITH F***** INSURANCE! So my prescription total was $162 and some odd cents WITH ****ING INSURANCE.

So in the course of ONE DAY, I've put $440 on my credit card for MEDICAL BILLS even though I have F***** insurance.

Now, if I didn't have a job, sat on my ass, refused to work, and had Medicaid, all of this would have cost me about $8 because I would have mooched it off the government. Tell me our system isn't UNFAIR AND BROKEN.

SO.... which candidate is going to fix it?

Probably none of them, unfortunately, if the truth be known.
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