Thread: Dear Americans,
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Old 07-30-2016, 03:33 AM
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Becky Becky is offline
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At least 4 out of every 5 of my friends is of the position that they can't in good conscience vote for either of these candidates and it's going to be a "lesser of two evils" vote when they go into the polls in November.

So, my question is, since most Americans claim that they identify as neither Democrats nor Republicans, why are we so convinced that a vote for a 3rd party candidate is a thrown away vote? The Republicans I know don't like Trump. The Democrats I know don't like Hillary. What if we all tell the two main parties to go to hell and vote for someone outside the political norm? That would really shake things up and send Washington a message. With social media platforms like Facebook we ought to be doing what we can to tell the DNC and the RNC just that--go to hell. You both are owned by banks, businesses, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies. You both bow down to the lobbyists. If we really want to see change we need to change our mindsets and not be hypnotized into believing that we only have two choices.
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