Thread: Dear Americans,
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Old 09-30-2016, 12:32 AM
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Originally Posted by trevrox View Post
If ever there was a year NOT to cast a 3rd party vote, this is it. As Trump himself said, he wants people to vote 3rd party, particularly Jill Stein, because this would only take away votes from Hillary. This election can not be a repeat of 2000. Everybody needs to get over their dislike of Hillary and realize that no matter your opinion she is qualified, ready and prepared to be President. Trump is the single most dangerous candidate we've ever had and can't be allowed anywhere near the White House.
Hillary is a dirtbag and you will not convince me otherwise. There is no way I can "get over" my dislike of her. There is no way I can cast a vote for her with a clear conscience. NO WAY. Therefore this is EXACTLY the year to cast a vote for a 3rd party. If a 3rd party reaches 5% of the general vote this year, then next election they will be allowed access to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund and MAYBE we won't be stuck with two complete turds because there will be THREE people on the stage debating before November rolls around. I'm just as afraid of Hillary as I am of Trump.
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