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Old 07-27-2015, 06:15 PM
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And New York Magazine was hacked with a denial of service attack and was taken down so that no one could read this. Here is the the NY Times story about it:

After Hours Offline, New York Magazine’s Website Comes Back

On Sunday evening, New York magazine posted a stark, black-and-white cover of its latest issue, featuring 35 women who have accused the comedian Bill Cosby of sexual abuse.

Hours later, the magazine’s website went offline, and the article was inaccessible on Monday morning. “Our site is experiencing technical difficulties. We are aware of the issue, and working on a fix,” the magazine posted to its main Twitter account early Monday morning.

Around noon on Monday, the site was back online.

Lauren Starke, a spokeswoman for the magazine, said in an email that she had nothing to add beyond the information posted on Twitter.

But on Twitter, a user who goes by Vikingdom2016 claimed responsibility for an attack on the site. The goal of this attack, also referred to as denial-of-service attack, is to shut down a website under a flood of traffic.

In an interview with the website Daily Dot, the hacker, also known as ThreatKing, said the attack was based on a hatred for New York, and was not related to the cover that features Mr. Cosby’s accusers.

“I have not even seen the cover, LOL,” he told the website over Skype on Monday.

And with that, the voices of women who had refrained from going public with their accusations against Mr. Cosby were again interrupted. As the website remained offline, editors were working to find other ways to publish the piece, which the magazine said took six months of work. On Monday morning, the magazine began posting audio related to the cover article on Instagram.
Continue reading the main story

And, thanks to Web.Archive.Org’s Wayback Machine, you can still read a preserved version of the article.

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